Unit 1 Flashcards
Renaissance, Exploration, New Monarchs ect.
Italian Renaissance main ideas
Classics, Idividualism/Humanism, secularism
Revival of the classics
Greek, Roman, and Biblical. Philosophy, archetechture, art
Father of Humanism, italian renaissance philosopher
Emphasized importance of the unique individual, and “who you should aim to be”
Influencial artists
Michealangelo; naturalism, Bruneleschi;cathedral Duomo, Raphael; school of athens, Pieter Brugel; naturalism
Johann Gutenberg
Printing press in Germany 1455; distribute ideas rapidly
New monarchies and their effects
Limit power of the nobility, centralized power, national identity, internal and external trade, religous control
Tudor family
1485, War of the roses, England
Technology advancments
Navigation tools, cartography, military tech
Economic motive
Trade routes, Mercantilism
16-18th centuries, Finite amount of wealth in the world, balance of power, more export than import with trade, naval power, colonial territories, manufactured goods
Spread christianity, One religion basically,
Colonial expansion
Portugese Empire; powerful exploration,
Spanish Empire; became a dominant european state,
France; fur trade in new world,
England; compete with the spanish empire,
Netherlands; dutch east india company, dutch golden age
Treaty of Tordesillas
Spain and Portugal split colonial empires east and west to keep from fighting over territory
Columbian Exchange
Animals, Plants, Disease, SLAVES
Slave Trade causes 1444-1800/1900
Consumerism, Plantation economy, death of indingenous people, cheap labor costs
Commercial Revolution
Banking innovations: money based economy, rich and poor rather than power and slave
Enclosure movement: scientific farmer, get rid of the “commons”, switching between farming areas for nutrients
Price Revolution: Inflation, food shortage for the poor, population decrease
Differneces Between northern and Italian renaissance
Northern: More christain, Social groups (w/ christain principles), power with the king, queen, and prince
Italian: More secular, Individualism, Humanism, power with the rich and the pope
Advocated for education, centered around christianity and the bible
War of the Roses
Spain Monarchy
Isabella & Ferdinand - 1580 - kinda absolutist, took full religous control, unified spains independent kingdoms
Centralization and power
Empire growth, trade control, $$$, military
Discovery and Exploration main ideas
Expansion, Gold, God, Glory, Christopher colombus
Motives for expansion
Trade, religous conquest, $$$, more power than others
Portugal sea empire
Henry the navigator, trade control, powerful navy, spain becomes a competitor
Christopher comlombus, New world, Aztecs, Indigineous peoples, comlombian exchange