UNIT 1 Flashcards
QOL assesment of a country
least developed
most (if not all) indicaters of development are low
often a failed state
under developed
low indicators in general
still hope
countreis that are making porgress in terms of QOL have some good some bad indicators
most -all indicators regardingthe QOL are pos
measure of health, wealth, and education
Gini coefficent
income inequalit
ZERO - complete equality
ONE - Completel income inequlaity
Freedom House Score
score that assess a country’s politial rights and civil liberties
lower the socre = less free
approx value of final goods and services produced in a country per year
Per capita GDP
GDP / totoal pop
process of transition as a country attemts to move form an authoritiarian gov to a democratic
institutions and people who exercise authority over a defined territory
rues and norms for a political system
people in charge of the state
feeling of strong pride and devotion to country
REGIME chareacterized by submission to authority
Opposed to individualism and democracy
extreme cases - political pwr concentrated ina leader or leaders who possess exculsive unaccoutnable and arbitraty pwr
Mixed Regime/Illiberal Democracu
Reigme that contains some democrated traits but are often fualts ith applicationof traits
growing interconecctednesss
“race to the bottom”
consequence of globalization
weaken standards to attract foreign investment
gaining ptx power built via US V. THEM paradigm
ability for citizens to learn and know how ptx decisions are mad
Fragile States Index
a measure of the degree which a state is weak and fragile
ability of a state ot govern its territory free form control of its internal affairs by other states
threatened by globalization
widely supported effort to replace regime of hte state
coup d’etat
sudden overthrow of the gov by a small grp
Foreign Direct Investment
Investment made by a foreign company in the economy of another country
dishonest of feaudulant conduc by those in pwr
private group that pursuses self defined goals outside of gov.
common activities are publicizign sissues, lobbying, making demands on gov and providing direct sercices
International orgs
grp that includes two or more states seeking political a/o econ cooperation w/ eachother
Multi nat corps
large biz org opperationg in number of diff national economies
more extensife form of transnational corp.
Democratic consoldiation
widespread accepatnace of democaracy as the permantit form of ptx activity
political elites and followers accep dem. rules and confident eveery else does as well
corruption perceptions indx
developed by Transparency International
ranks countrie in terms of the degree to which corruption is percived to exist amung public offficails/ ptx
Politica isnitiution
formal poly making orgs int he state
incl. Executive, legislature, judicary, bureuacracy, media, etc.