UNIT 1 Flashcards
6th amendment
right to a speedy trial and the right to witnesses and counsel
Griswold v. Connecticut
The Court ruled the right of privacy was a combination of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th amendments. This right was confirmed and extended in 1973 in the case of Roe v. Wade.
14th amendment
Citizenship clause, due process clause, equal protection clause, and a response to the injustices faced by African Americans after the Civil War
Jim Crow Laws
Laws enacted by the southern states and discriminated against African Americans.
Dread Scott v. Sanford
ruled that enslaved people and all black people were not citizens of the United States. This denied citizenship for African Americans and enslaved people, reinforced slavery, and contributed to tensions leading to the Civil War.
Title IX and university sports
Equal Opportunity in Sports, Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Assault, Gender Equality in Education, Educational Policies and Practices.
Civil Rights Act of 1964
outlawed job discrimination by all private and public employers that employ more than 15 people.
Affirmative Action
has expanded the goals of groups championing minority rights.
Political Ideologies (examples)
Liberalism, Conservativism, Socialism, communism, Fascism, Anarchism, Green Politics (environmentalism)
Population V. Sample
The whole v. a subset of that whole
Margin of error
statistical measure that quantifies the range within which the true population parameter is likely to lie based on data obtained from a sample.
The formal institutions and procedures through which a territory and its people are ruled.
The conflicts and struggles over the leadership, structure, and policies of the government.
citizens play a significant role in government, usually by selecting leaders.
Why did the British impose taxes?
War Debt