Unit 1-14 Flashcards
What is criminal justice?
Traditional Crimes are called what in Latin?
Mala In Se
White Collar crimes are called what in Latin?
Mala Prohibita
What are the 3 components of CJS?
Police, Courts, Corrections
What is Criminology?
causes of criminal behavior
What is criminal justice?
the complex decision network devoted to the traditional crimes in society
the study of crime victims and there experiences
3 goal of criminal justice system?
Prevention of crime, Maintenance of order, Protection of society
An example of mala in se offenses would be?
Whats a Recidivist?
repeat offenders
What is recidivism rate?
rate at which offenders are re-entering the system
6 or 7 people out of 10 are returning to the system
Leading cause of death for pregnant women?
Hidden criminology aka (dark figure of crime) is……
when crime goes unreported
(german word) What type of society is gemeinscraft
small society of
(german word) Gesellschaft society? (Heterogeneity)
Is attempted suicide a crime?
1 suicide bridge
golden gate bridge (California )
Is it a crime to be alcoholic/drug addict?
NO but it is a crime to (sell, transport, arrange drugs and other substances)
According to the Legal Defense of drinking drivers organization, how many times has a person?
What are some of the strategies for finding out how much crime there is….
Uniform Crime Reports (FBI)l, Victim Surveys, Self report Delinquency, Cohort Measures etc.
Crimes like murder, forcible rape, robbery are called…
Index Crimes
What type of crimes are crimes against property?
Burglary, Larceny, Grand Theft Auto, Arson
What is cohort measures?
tracks changes in a group of people overtime (gather data on individuals born during a specific year and follow them in their lives to see if they are convicted crimes)
What are the 7 elements of crime?
act, act/illegal, act/punishment, actual harm to the threat of it, mens rea- guilty mind , Actus reus, concurrence of mens rea and actus reus
What does the latin word mens rea mean?
“gulity mind- criminal intent to convict a crime
What is actus reus?
Actus reus- physical requirement/ elements of crime
what is concurrence of mens rea and actus reus?
for a person to be found gulity of a crime
What type of murder is justified?
self-defense, soliders killed during war time, death penalty
What is the felony murder rule?
its charge if someone dies and either direct or indirect result of a felony (all people connected will be charged the same)
What is the complicity/ conspiracy doctrine?
recognizes that people were acting in concert but (ONLY) charges individuals with they can reasonably be convicted of
What are 3 types of law?
common, statutory, case
What is the latin word for “we will not prosecute”
Nolle Prosequi
What is the grand jury’s function?
to determine is there enough evidence to try someone for crime (bigger than trail jury)
What type of function is a trail function?
known as courts of original jurisdiction, hear cases for the first time.
cases involving celebrities (ex.OJ Simpson) are what?
Celebrated Cases
felonies/crime of violence?
long lists of charges, convictions
crimes against property are?
Less serious felonies
What is the 4th amendment?
right against illegal searches and seizures (arrest)
What is the 5th amendment?
right to keep silent- right against double jeopardy
What is the 6th amendment?
right to counsel- speedy trial: jury trial; public trail
What is 8th amendment?
no excessive bail; freedom from cruel and unusual punishment
what is is a legal action that challenges the validity of a previous court ruling in a new case. It’s also known as an indirect attack?
Collateral Attack
Informa pauperis mean?
can’t appeal
Whats the latin word produce the body in court (requires a person who is in custody be brought before a judge and that they be able to challenge that custody)?
Habeas corpus
What does the word Modus operandi?
the method of committing the crime (what makes the crime personal to them)
What does C.O.Y.O.T.E
(Come on and abandon you told tired ethics)
what are blue laws?
old laws still in the books
what does tabula rasa?
clean slate
what is the study of victims of crime?
unconsciously, negligently placing oneself at risk (ex. Leaving your car door open to go get gas and it gets stolen)
to strongly encourage the offenders behavior
likely chance
a promising target
those who are unwilling or unable to call the police
55 % of auto thefts
consistency resisting victims totally innocent, conventionally cautious victims largely innocent
carelessly facilitating party innocent
precipitative initiators substantially responsible, provocative conspirators largely responsible, fabricating fully responsible