Unit 1 Flashcards
What does the ONS stand for
Office for National Statistics
What is the ONS
Government body that compiles statistics of a population and their behaviour
What is hostile aggression
Aggression that is motivated by anger and often reactive
What is instrumental aggression
Motivated by something other than hostility
What is violent aggression
Using physical force to cause injury to others
E.g punching or kicking
What is verbal aggression
Involves using words to psychologically damage someone
What is behavioural economics
The study of psychology as it relates to an economic decision
What is a consumer
A person who purchases goods and services
What is economics
The branch of knowledge concieved with the production, consumption and transfer of wealth
What is gender
The psychological feeling of masculinity or femininity
What is masculinity
Psychological characteristics associated with being male
What is femininity
The psychological characteristics of a female
What is typical gender
Gender identity that reflects a person’s biological sex
What is atypical gender
Gender identity that doesn’t reflect a persons biological sex
What is binary
A forced choice between one or the other
E. g male or female
What is non- binary
View that there are multiple possible outcomes rather than the fixed 2
What is gender fluid
Taking the view that gender isnt fixed throughout life but can change
What is gender dysphoria
A condition where the person feels that their gender and biological sex do not match
What is Transgender
Moving from one gender identity to another
What is androgeny
Gender identity that has characteristics associated with masculinity and femininity
What is scientific
Using the systematic approach associated with science to explain things
What is nature
The relative contribution of our biological makeup on our behaviour (before birth)
What is nurture
The relative contribution of our environment on our behaviour
What is conditioning
A theory that a response to an object or event can be changed by learning
What is classical conditioning
Learning by association
Who did a study on classical conditioning
Before conditioning
UCS - - > UCR
NS - - > No response
During conditioning
UCS + NS - - > UCR
After conditioning
CS - - > CR
What is the conditioning phase
The period during conditioning where the neutral stimulus is presented alongside the unconditional stimulus in order to acquire its power
What is the neutral stimulus
An object or event that has initially no power to cause behaviour
What is a reflex
An innate (inborn) physical response to specific stimuli
What is an unconditioned stimulus
An object or event that naturally has the power to produce a reflex response
What is an unconditioned response
A naturally occurring reaction to a specific stimulus
What is a conditioned stimulus
An object or event that has acquired the power to cause a specific response through association
What is a conditioned response
A learned response to a specific stimulus
What is operant conditioning
Learning through consequences and reinforcement