Unit 1 Flashcards
is a specialty that integrates nursing science, computer science, and information science to manage and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practice
Nursing Informatics
early computers used punch cards to store data and card readers to read computer programs, sort, and prepare data for processing.
Prior to 1960’s
the introduction of cathode ray tube (CRT) terminal, online data communication and real-time processing
Hospital information systems (HISs) were developed
nurses assisted in the design and development of nursing application for HISs and other environments were they functioned
several states and large community health agencies developed and/or contacted for their own computer-based management information systems (MISs).
NI became an accepted specialty and many nursing experts entered the field
microcomputer or personal computer (PC) emerged
computer technology became an integral part of health care settings, nursing practice, and the nursing profession
NI was approved by the American Nurses Association (ANA) as a new nursing specialty
the early years of the new millennium continued the torrid pace of hardware and software development and growth
clinical information systems became individualized in the electronic patient record (EPR
The words “nursing informatics” were unfamiliar among the Philippine nursing community until the year
The Philippine Medical Informatics Society (PMIS) was headed by _____
Dr. Alvin Marcelo
This theory is often regarded as a valuable change model for guiding technological innovation where the innovation itself is modified and presented
Diffusion of Innovation Theory
is a time-tested, easily applied field theory that is often considered the epitome of change models
Kurt Lewin’s Change Management Theory
first proposed by sibling researchers, Hubert and Stuart Dreyfus (1980) as the Dreyfus Model of Skill Acquisition
Novice to Expert Theory
Nursing Informatics as a linear progression – from data into information and knowledge
Graves and Corcoran’s Model
Nursing informatics is the interaction between the discipline-specific science (nursing) and the areas of informatics
Turley’s Model
Nursing informatics involves identification of information needs, resolution of the needs, and attainment of nursing goals/objectives
Schwirian’s Model
proposed a model intended to stimulate and guide systematic in nursing informatics.
Patricia Schwirian
Management processing is integrated within each elements, depicting nursing informatics as the proper management of knowledge – from data as it is converted into information and knowledge.
Graves and Corcoran’s Model
machine that uses electronic components and instructions to the components to perform calculations and repetitive and complex procedures, process text, and manipulate data and signals
all of the physical components of the machine itself
Computer Hardware
Controls the electrical current / voltage to for the computer to stay awake
Power Supply
shaped board (board) that has several
major electronic individual slots that can be paired to another board, ranging from the processor, memory, sound card, display adapter, and so forth.
a component of the IC chip or a rectangular shape of the brain and the computer controlling the process performance
Storage media operation system (OS) used on the computer
Hard Disk
The processor can only store data and
instructions in a register that is small so that it can not store all the information needed
Main memory
Process data in the form of audio or sound
Sound Card
Absorbs the heat generated by the processor at work and is equipped with a cooling fan on it so that the processor
temperature remains stable.
Heat Sink Fan (HSF)
part of a computer that houses
the primary devices that perform operations and produce results for complex calculations
System Unit
These allow the computer to receive information from the outside world. For example, keyboard and mouse
Input Device
These allow the computer to report its results to the external world. Output can be in the form of text, data files, sound,
graphics, or signals to other devices.
Output Device
Storage includes the main memory but also external devices on which programs and data are stored
Storage Media
general term applied to the instructions that direct the computer’s hardware to perform work
Computer Software
handle the connection between the central processing unit (CPU) and peripherals
Operating Systems
includes the various programs people use to do work, process data, play games, communicate with others, or watch multimedia programs on a computer
Applications Software
the method or protocol by which data is sent from one computer to another on the internet
Internet Protocol
List Common Internet Protocols
- Domain Name System
- HTML Format
- File attachments
- Use of Emoticons and Abbreviations