Unit 1 Flashcards
The smallest particle in an element that contains the proprieties of that element
A substancecomposed of atoms covalently bonded to each other
A large complex molecule
A specialized structure that preforms important cellular functions within a eukaryotic cell
The basic unit of life
A group of cells working together to preform a similar function
A group of tissues that work together to preform closely related funtions
Organ System
A group of organs that work together to preform a single function
An individual of a species; a single living thing
A group of individuals of the same species that live in a defined area
A group of population that live in a defined area
A collection of all organisms that live in a defined area
The part of earth that contains life; everything
1st Step of the scientific process
Make observation… identify a problem
2nd Step of the scientific process
Form a hypothesis
3rd Step of the scientific proscess
Figure out how to test the hypothesis
4th Step of the scientfic process
Gather information/data as you test
5th Step of the scientific proscess
Organism your data and anaylize it
6th step of the scientofic process
Draw conclusion
What should not be in a lab write up
any pronouns
Indepentdant Variable
-the thing you can minipulate -the casue
Dependant Variable
-This changes as the idependant variable changes -the effect -The element that you will measure/observe in your experiement
a trial run in the experiment that illustrastes “normal” conditions when the indepentant variable is not manipulated
Factors in the experiment that does not change from trial to trail
All data mechanisms must have what 2 things
titles and untits
Qualitative Data
-descriptions in words -based on observation such as color, odor, or texture
Quantitive Data
-numeric measurements -Data is objective -mass, volume, temperature, disance, concentration, time, or frequency
Levels of organization in order
Atom, molecule, macromolecule, organelle, cells, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem, biosphere
unbiased, not influenced by feelings, intrest, and prejudices
biased, influenced by feelings intrest prejudices
What can influnece results (biases)
race, gender, politics, religon, nationaity, economic intrest
What is a bias
A predjudiced presentaion of material; a constant error in estamating a value
What are the 6 characteristics of ife
Reproduction, Growth/Development, Metabolism (use energy), maintain homostasis, Made up of cells, Respond to stimuli,
asexual or sexual, pass on DNA or RNA
directed by DNA, stages of life
maintain s stable internal enviroment
Need it for metabolism
Respond to Stimuli
like moving hand if yuo touch something hot
variety of life; increases from poles to equatior
Ocular or Eyepiece
Part of the microscope that you look through
rotates to change objective
where specimen is placed for observation
Stage clips
hold slides in place
controls the amount of light entering the fiel dof view
Coarse Adjustment Knob
used for focusing under low power
Fine Adjustment Knob
usdd for adjusting under high power
How to find total magnification
ocular X objective
Field of View
circular area you observe when looking into a microscope
What happens to the field of view as magnification increases?
It shrinks and you see more details
When observing specimens under a microscope the image you observe is a reversed image of how it looks on the slide
the ability of a microscope is the ability to clearly determine the two seperate points or objects as singular distinguishing entities
Depth of Field
the tickness of the plane of focus
Large depth of field =
larger area focused
Small depth of field=
only part can be focused
Unit Conversions