Unit 1 Flashcards
Who wrote “Thoughts on Government”
John Adams
What does the phrase, “rule of law” mean?
The law is fixed. It cannot be written to just favor one person.
How are the powers separated?
By function/branch
What are the three branches of government?
Legislative, Executive, and Judicial
What is the function of the Executive branch?
Executes laws and provides security.
What is the function of the Legislative branch?
Make laws
What is the function of the judiciary branch?
Need to have high moral values and standards
What are the checks?
Veto, elections, impeachment, nominating judges, and pardons.
John Locke was a leading figure in what?
Liberalism, separation of church and state.
John Locke believed in how many branches of government?
John Locke lived where at what time?
England in the 17th century.
What was Locke’s language?
Limited government
John Locke believed governments were formed to protect what?
Natural rights: life, liberty, and property.
John Locke believed governments can be dissolved when?
They are no longer pursuing the ends of natural rights.
John Locke believed what type of government was best?
Republicanism, government can only do what the people want.
John Locke believed that the government is 1st limited because they must create laws that what?
- Aim for the good and protection of the people.
- Are agreed on by the common good.
- Are made public, so the people know.
The government is being abusive if they do what two things?
- Make laws that only benefit the law makers.
- Change the laws so much that they don’t provide security.
John Locke believed that the government’s 2nd limit was what?
The government must listen to the people and be limited by the people.
If the government is being abusive what does John Locke believe the people have the right to?
Right to Revolution
Right that cannot be separated from the people.
Unalienable Right
What type of right is the right to self govern?
Natural right
Was the Declaration of Independence unanimous?
Yes, all 13 states agreed.
What was listed in the Declaration of Independence?
Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness is a natural right called what?
Natural equality.
Natural Rights have allowed what?
Political Growth
What is connected to liberty?
Freedom, right to self government
What is connected to the pursuit of happiness?
What is connected to security?
Protection from government, safety, stability.
What does George Orwell say about politicians/modern English?
They manipulate us into going along with what they are saying without understanding their meaning.
What is a truth in the Declaration of Independence?
All men are created equal.
Liberty can be expressed through what?
Rights and freedoms.
Serious discussion
Specific rights are tied to what?
Specific duties
Worshiping God is a specific duty that is considered what right?
The right to religion.
Who wrote the Article of Confederation?
John Dickinson from Delaware
Did John Dickinson hope for independence from Britain or reconciliation?
Did John Dickinson sign the Declaration of Independence?
What John Dickinson a good friend of the Founding Fathers?
What function did the Articles of Confederation provide?
They established security and a chain of order and unity of states
The Articles were less about individuals which meant that the states were in charge of their own what?
Article II expressed what?
Powers and means
Does taxation come from powers or means?
Does direction of state legislature come from powers or means?