unit 1 Flashcards
Refrence maps
general info/ navigation/ location
states/ countries/ capitals
natural features
highways, streets, etc
thematic maps
communication info about a place
uses various colors, shades, of one color, or patterens to show location and distributiotns of spatial data
dot- density
each dot represents a specified quantity of spatial characteristcs
graduated/ proportional symbol
use symbols of different sizes to indicate different amounts of a variable
sizes of countries are shown according to a specific variable. Are is distorted to show a variable
isoline & topograph
isoline: lines that connect parts of equal value to depict variations in data. Used for weather
Topograph: elevation shown through lines and distance
absolute location
- exact, precises
- address
- latitude, longitude
- Rio de Janiero is located at 23 degrees S, 43 degrees W
relative location
- relationships to another place
- next to my house
- between work and lawrence
absolute distance
- exact precise,
- miles/ kilometers/ feet
- oak hills is 21.3 m away
- map scale
relative distance
- spatial interactions: connections, contacts, movement
- amazon has decreased relative distance consumers and product
absolute directions
exact precise
cardinal directions: NSWE
relative direction
-relative- relationship
-turn left at Target, then right at 2nd stop sign…
close together
density- the number of something in a defined area
dispersal/ distributions
- far apart
- distributions- way something is spread out over an area
map projections
the process of a cartographers (map maker) showing the curved surface of the earth on a flat surface (map)
mercator map
drawn parrallel
peters equal area
repositioning many countries to their right size/ the countries are stretched
robinson map
shows the entire world at once
fieldwork/ field observations
the act of an individual physically visiting a location or place and recording, first hand, info there.
Geographic information system/GIS
computer system / software that stores, analyzes, and displays information multiple digital maps or data sets (thematic & physical)
Satellites navigation system/ GPS
Satellites orbit the Earth and communicate location information to GPS receivers.
Remote sensing
Use of camera or other sense mounted on air craft or satllites which orbit earth above.