Unit 1 Flashcards
What is Interpersonal Communication
Communicating with yourself through your thoughts
Audience Analysis
learning about the diverse characteristics of the people who make up the audience
Speech-planning process
System you use to prepare a speech
impersonal communication
communication between people about general information, such as saying “hi” to someone in the hallway
Speech-making process
Process of giving a speech to the audience
- Speaking expressively:
Using various vocal techniques so you sound a bit more dramatic than you would in casual conversation
- Rhetorical devices:
Language techniques that create and hold audience attention and help audience members remember what you said in your speech
To make more confident and assertive
- Interpersonal Communication:
Communication between two people who have a relationship with each other
Stealing and passing off the ideas, words, or created works of someone else as your own
A set of moral principles that a society, group or individual holds that distinguish right from wrong and good behavior from bad behavior
- Nonverbal Communication:
The way you stand when giving a speech and the way you use your eyes, face and hands
- Public Speaking:
A formal presentation made by a speaker to an audience
Receiving spoken communication from another person and making an effort to hear and understand what the person is saying
- Attention span
Length of time you can concentrate and listen effectively
An unchanging tone without rise or fall in the speaker’s voice
- Critical listening
Evaluate what the speaker is saying and decide on the value of the message
The ability to assign accurate meaning to what was said
- Remembering
Being able to recall and retain the information you heard
- Active listening
Includes identifying how ideas are organized, asking questions, silently paraphrasing, watching nonverbal clues and taking notes
Restating the speakers meaning in your own words
Investigating a subject to learn the facts about it
Your experience or education that qualify you to speak with authority on a specific subject
- Primary source
First-hand accounts that you conduct or those written by people who were part of the original event or research
- Follow-up question
A question you ask during an interview that results from the answers to your primary questions
- Open question
Broad based questions that ask the interviewee to provide perspective, ideas, information, values, goals or opinions
- Closed question
Narrowly focused questions that require only brief answers such as yes or no
- Neutral question
Questions asked in a way that does not direct a person’s answer
- Leading question
Questions asked in a way that suggest you have a preferred answer
- Critical analysis
The process of evaluating what you have heard to determine a speech’s completeness
- Credibility
A speaker’s ability to inspire trust and belief
A formal assessment of a speech that requires you to analyze and evaluate a speech’s effectiveness according to how well the speaker meets specific key criteria
- Constructive critique
An analysis of a speech that evaluates how well a speaker meets a specific speaking goal while following the rules for good speaking and recommends how the speech might be improved
- Speech Plan
A strategy for achieving your speech goals.
- Speech Goal
A statement of what you want your audience to know, believe or do.
- Audience adaptation
Process of writing your speech to meet the needs and interests of the listeners
Characteristics of a group of people
A plan of main points and supporting detail that you want to cover in your speech
- Chronological order
A method of arranging things in relation to when they happen in time
- Topical order
A method of arranging information by subjects, facts or points
- Visual aid
An object, picture, photo, chart or other image that the audience can see
- Eye contact
A form of nonverbal communication that occurs when two people look at one another for a few seconds
- Animated delivery
A lively, energetic, enthusiastic and dynamic delivery
- Speak clearly
Speaking so the audience can make out what you are saying.
How high or low the sound of your voice is
- Quality of voice
The tone that distinguishes your voice from everyone else’s
The speech habits of people from a specific country, region of a country or even a state or city.
The way you use your mouth and lips to form words
- Vocal expressiveness
The variety you create in your voice through changing pitch, volume and rate; the expressing of certain words ; and using pauses
To emphasize certain words by speaking them more loudly than they rest of the sentence
A moment of silence that enhances the meaning of an idea
- Gestures
How you move your hands, arms and fingers
Changing the position of your entire body