Unit 08: Glossary 03 Flashcards
Sakit, penyakit, kesakitan, menyakitkan
Sick/ill, disease, pain/sore/to suffer from pain/in pain, to hurt/to be painful
Sebab, menyebabkan, disebabkan, penyebab
Cause, to cause, to be caused by, the cause/agent that causes/someone who causes
Sebar, menyebar, tersebar, disebarkan, penyebaran
To spread, to spread out, in the state of being spread out, to be spread by, dissemination/spread/dispersion
Sehat, kesehatan
Healthy, health
Siap, menyiapkan, kesiapan, bersiap-siap, mempersiapkan, disiapkan
Ready, to prepare/to get things ready, readiness, to get ready, to prepare, to be prepared
Sedia, bersedia, menyediakan, persediaan, kesediaan, penyediaan
ready/willing/available, to be ready/willing/available, to provide, a supply/inventory, readiness/willingness/availability, supplying/equipping/act of preparing
Suntik, menyuntik, disuntik, suntikan
To inject, to inject, to be injected, injection
Telaah, menelaah, ditelaah, penelaahan, penelaah
Analysis, to analyze, to be analyzed, analysis, analyst
Tengok, menengok, ditengok
To visit (a sick person, family), To visit (a sick person, family), to be visited by
Teliti, meneliti, penelitian
Accurate/thorough, to research, a research
Timbul, menimbulkan, ditimbulkan
To arise/emerge, to cause something to appear, to be caused by
Tindak, tindakan, menindak
Act/action, an action/step/measure, to take action against
Tingkat, meningkatkan, meningkat, peningkatan, tingkatan
Level/rate, to increase, to increase, an increase, grade/level
Tubuh, badan
Tular, menular, tertular, ditularkan
To infect/be contagious/contaminate/spread, To infect/be contagious/contaminate/spread, to be infected by/contaminated by (cause/reason unknown), to be infected by/contaminated by
Turun, menurunkan, penurunan, diturunkan, menurun
To descend/go down/dismount/be down/to drop, to lower/decrease/reduce, deflation/the decrease of, to be decreased/lowered/reduced/, to go down/decrease
Ubah, berubah, merubah, perubahan, diubah, berubah-ubah
To change/alter, to change (intr.), to change/alter (tr.), a change/alteration, to be changed/altered, fluid/capricious
- UGD (Unit Gawat Darurat)
Wabah, mewabah
epidemic, to spread out as an epidemic
Waspada, mewaspadai
Watchful/wide awake/vigilant/attentive/alert, to be come …