Unit 01 - Ocean life, productivity & man's impact (Vocabulary & Content) Flashcards
Warm-blooded organisms
Which phylum do octopus, squid and cuttlefish belong to?
The shallow area over the continental shelf
Neritic zone
What is happening glaciers that is leading to rising global sea levels?
They are melting due to global warming
Over time what happens to the levels of heavy metals in the tissues of animals?
It stays in the tissues
A reduction in the pH of the ocean over an extended period time, caused primarily by uptake of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere which reacts with seawater to produce acid.
Ocean acidification
Animals that live in the sediment on the ocean floor
What are modern harpoon guns used to hunt?
What is a major problem with drift nets, longline fishing, trawling, and other commerical fishing methods?
Which zone includes all of the open water of the ocean?
A model of feeding relationships between organisms. Primary producers form the base; consumers eating one another form the higher levels, with the top consumer at the top.
trophic pyramid
Swimming organisms that are able to move independently of water currents.
Plants or algae that live on the ocean floor
Organisms that live on or in the ocean floor
Which fin is used by fish and sharks for forward motion?
caudal fin
A plant, fungus, or animal species that is not native to a specific location (an introduced species), and which has a tendency to spread to a degree believed to cause damage to the environment, human economy or human health.
Invasive species
To fish (an area) excessively; to exhaust the supply of usable fish in certain waters.
The portion of a commercial fishing catch that consists of marine animals caught unintentionally.
Which zone includes all of the ocean floor (bottom) at any depth?
The process by which autotrophs bind light energy into the chemical bonds of food with the aid of chlorophyll and other substances. The process uses carbon dioxide and water as raw materials and yields glucose and oxygen.
What can sponge larvae do that adult sponges cannot?
Photoplankton and sharks can be on the same trophic pyramid. Which would have the highest population?
Photoplankton and sharks can be on the same trophic pyramid. Which would have the fastest reproduction rate?
Which phylum does a sea star belong to?
What are any substances or energy that changes the water quality or affects the physical, chemical, or biologic environment known as?
Cold-blooded organisms
Planktonic animals that eat phytoplankton or other heterotrophic plankton and are unable to swim independently of the current.