Unit 01- Intro to Cognitive Psychology Flashcards
the science of psychology went through a drastic change in the 1950s and 1960s. This change is known as the…
Cognitive Revolution
What is “Introspection”
“looking within” - a method which people observe and record the content of their own mental lives and experiences
why was introspection frowned upon?
because psychologists had to acknowledge that some thoughts are unconscious, making introspection a limited tool
what led to the “behaviourist movement”?
the realization that beliefs, preferences, hopes, and expectations cannot be directly observed or recorded
what is the “behaviourist movement”?
a movement that dominated psych in the first 20th century. It uncovered a range of principles about how behaviour changes in response to stimuli
who invented the transcedental method?
Immanuel Kant
what is the transcendental method?
“begin with the observable fact, and work backward from these observations” - asking how these observations could have come about
who conducted the study on if rats had the ability to learn?
Edward Tolman
we use _____ methods, and we collect _____ types of data
we use DIVERSE methods, and we collect MANY types of data
what is “Response time (RT)”
basing memory off speed (ex- how long someone needs to make a particular response)
what is “cognitive neuroscience”
the effort toward understanding humans mental functioning through close study of the brain and the nervous system
information about damaged brains comes from the field of…
clinical neuropsychology
what is “neuropsychology”?
the study of brain functions that uses cases in which damage or illness has disrupted the working of some brain structures
information about brain health comes from the field of…
neuroimaging techniques
what is neuroimaging techniques?
methods to inspect precise structures of the brain; and to track the moment-by-moment pattern of activation within someones brain