Unit 0 Flashcards
Who invented the microscope?
Hans Lippershey, Hans and Zacharias Janssen in ~1590
Who first used the term “cells”?
Robert Hooke (1635-1703)
What did Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek contribute to cell biology?
Improved the quality of lenses, first to observe single-celled protists, bacteria from mouth, blood cells, etc. He is the “Father of microbiology”
Explain the relative relationships between the sizes of atoms, molecules, organelles, and cells
Some molecules are the size of atoms, some organelles are the size of cells (and vice versa)
Contributions to cell theory by Robert Brown
Noticed every plant cell contained a “kernel” (nucleus)
Contributions to cell theory by Matthias Schleiden
All plant tissues composed of cells, embryonic plant always arose from a single cell
Contributions of cell theory by Theodor Schwann
All animal tissues are composed of cells, arise from single cells, recognition of structural similarities between plant and animal cells, formulated Cell Theory
What is Cell Theory?
- All organisms consist of one+ cells
- Cell is basic structural unit for all organisms
- All cells rise only from pre-existing cells
Basic properties of all cells
- Highly complex + organized
- Use same Central Dogma
- Bioenergetics + cellular metabolism
- Mechanical activities (transport, motility, etc.)
- Respond to signals (hormones, growth factors, stimuli)
Differences between plant + animal cells
- Plant: cell wall, chloroplast, one large vacuole
- Animal: lysosomes, only cell membrane (no cell wall)
Characteristics of prokaryotic cells
- No membrane-bound nucleus
- ‘Naked’ DNA (fewer proteins), single, circular strand
- Cell wall + plasma membrane
- Very small, no need for cytoskeleton transport systems
What are the two domains of prokaryotes?
- Eubacteria: all have cell walls (except mycoplasma)
- Archaebacteria: all have cell walls, extremophiles
What are the four groups of eukaryotes?
- Protists: very diverse, mostly single cells but some colonies (e.g. algae)
- Fungi: single + multicellular, cell walls, heterotrophs (external source of organic compounds)
- Plants: multicellular, cell walls, autotrophs
- Animals: multicellular, no cell walls, heterotrophs
Endomembrane system
Internal membranes in direct contact/connected via transfer of vesicles (includes nuclear envelope/membrane, ER, golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vacuoles)
Which organelles have their own genome?
Mitochondria + chloroplasts
Secretory pathway
- Outward path to plasma membrane
- DNA –> mRNA –> RER ribosomes –> Golgi A. –> vesicles –> plasma membrane
- RER: protein synthesis for export (secretion), insertion into membranes, lysosomes
- Golgi A.: collection, packaging, + distribution
Endocytic pathway
- Materials enter cell by membrane pinching inwards to form a vesicle
- The vesicle fuses with a lysosome to break down the materials
- Lysosomes break down all 4 classes of macromolecules, worn-out organelles, material brought into cell by phagocytosis
Endosymbiont Theory
- Early eukaryotes originated as predators (certain organelles such as mitochondria + chloroplasts evolved from smaller prokaryotes engulfed by larger cell)
- Endo-sym-biosis (within-living-together)
- Ancient anaerobic eukaryotic cell –> early aerobic eukaryotic cell
- Ancestral eukaryote (heterotroph) –> eukaryotic cell capable of photosynthesis
Evidence supporting Endosymbiont Theory
Mitochondria + chloroplasts:
- Similar size to bacteria, reproduce by fission (like bacteria)
- Double membranes (engulfing mechanism)
- Own ribosomes (resemble prokaryotes in size, composition and sensitivity to antibiotics)
- Own genomes (organized like bacteria)
- Genetically similar to ‘parent’ bacteria
Characteristics of eukaryotes
- Membrane-bound nucleus
- Multiple linear strands of DNA w/ histones
- Organelles, allows specialized compartments (mitochondria, chloroplasts)
- Cytoskeleton, transport btw compartments
- Much larger than prokaryotes