Unilateral Upper motor neuron Flashcards
In order to have a significant dysarthria in the UMN system you need ______ damage.
You can have dysarthria with ______ UMN damage, but it is generally a mild dysarthria.
_______ dysarthria is a little studied but very common problem. It may be the most commonly occurring dysarthria,
What may be the most commonly occurring dysarthria?
UUMN usually occurs with _____ & _____ when the lesion occurs in the left hemisphere.
When the lesion is in the right hemisphere UUMN may co-occur with _____ and other _____ deficits (not related to dysarthria).
UUMN dysarthria tends to be _____ and ______ duration (this and its being masked by the other concomitant problems are why not much attention has been given it).
WHy is UUMN not given much attention?
It tends to be mild and short in duration. It is also being masked by other concomitant problems.
What causes UUMN?
WHy do lesions causing UUMN damage doesn’t show on neurological scans?
they are too small
________ dysarthria may be so the person’s most apparent symptoms of neurologic problems so it can be important for diagnosis reasons
UUMN primarily affects ______, _____ and ______
Speech problems in UUMN are due mainly to ______ of face and tongue.
What are the speech problems of UUMN due to?
weakness of face and tongue. There may also be some spasticity and in coordination.
The UMN system includes what two pathways?
Direct and indirect, it is bilateral, one half starts in the left hemisphere and the other half in the right hemisphere.
WHat are the two tracts from the direct pathway?
corticobulbar and corticospinal
Corticobulbar goes to ______ nerves and corticopsinal to _____ nerves.
Most of the innervation in the tracts of the direct and indirect pathway is to the __________ side.
What is the path of hte fibers from the corticobulbar and corticospinal tracts?
It starts at the cortex and then descends via corona radiate then go into the internal capsule near the level of the basal ganglia and thalamus.
What happens to the tracts of the direct and indirect pathway after they go into the internal capsule near the level of the basal ganglia and thalamus?
Descends to the brain stem. THe corticobulbar fibers cross to the opposite side just before they get to the level of the cranial nerve they are going to innervate.
Corticospinal fibers cross over or decussate in the _____ of the ____. T
The nerve impulses from the corticobulbar and corticospinal provide innervation for what?
finely coordinated, skilled movements.
The indirect pathway has the same _____ and the same ________ destinations. It crosses over in the same general area s the direct activation pathway, but not through the _____.
Why is it called indirect pathway?
IT makes synaptic connections with several other structures, such as basal ganglia, cerebellum, reticular formation and other brain stem nuclei.
Why is the indirect pathway important?
It regulated reflexes and controls posture and tone upon which skilled movements must be superimposed.
The bulbar speech muscles have mostly what type innervation?