unification italy Flashcards
Prime minister of Piedmont Sardinia?
Cavour wished to
Take Austria out, more influence for Piedmont
Crimean war
Piedmont w France against Russia
Paris peace conference (1856)
Wanted to end Austria (failed) but made connections with Napoleon
Cavours goal
Alliance with France. Take Austria of the peninsula
Deal between Piedmont and France
Nice and savoy France would help
How does Cavour lure Austria?
moving army
What did Austria do?
Ultimatum but was ignored and war began
Did Austria win any battle?
What did the rebels want
to fuse
Did France want a unification? why?
no because they didn’t want for Piedmont to have more territory
Did France follow the agreement?
Could Piedmont win w out France?
Italy settled. How did the territory’s remain
Lombardy was to be given up to France to pass on to Piedmont
● Venetia would remain Austrian.
● The rulers of Tuscany, Parma and Venetia would be restored.
Who was the King?
Victor Emmanuel