Unfair Trading/Commercial practices Flashcards
What did the Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 implement
Directive 2005/29/EC on unfair commercial practices in the internal market
S2 of the Unfair Trading Regulations provides what?
The definition of commercial practices including 3 elements
1) AOCRC: act, omission, course of conduct, representation, commercial communication
2) before, during or after the commercial transaction
3) in relation to a product
What did R (Surrey Trading Standards) v Scottish and Southern Energy 2012
CoA criminal division dismissed Ds criminal conviction for engaging in misleading commercial practice contrary to regulation 9 of the UTRs 2008
** Def of commercial practice in ref 2(1) of the Regulations was
amply sufficient to cover involvement, supervision or control of training in appropriate circumstances
as being directly connected with the promotion or sale of the supply of a product
Step 1) definition of a consumer
- Mars and Gut cases
- Springenheide 1998: in order to determine whether a description or statement designed (in this case the promotion of eggs) is liable to mislead the purchaser in breach of regulation on marketing standards for eggs,
- national court must take into account the presumed expectations which it envokes in an average consumer
Who is reasonably observant and circumspect - when the national court has difficulty in assessing the misleading nature of the statement it can refer to consumer research poll and expert reports
Article 2(2) UTRs 2008 states
Basically reinforced springheide case
What section of the UTRs is particularly important for the what?
Recognition of vulnerable consumers
Who is mislead?
- average consumer within a particularly vulnerable group
- issues with the above: does the maker of the statement realise it will reach this vulnerable group? Subjective test
- article 5(3) of Directive 2005 and Regulation 2(6) of UTR 2008: limits the liability basically for when adverts or statements are exaggerated and aren’t supposed to be taken seriously like the links advert
Unfair Commercial Practices Typology
General prohibition (Regulation 3) 1) Banned Practices in schedule 1
> Misleading Actions (Reg 5)
> Misleading Omissions (Reg 6)
> Aggressive Practices (Reg 7)
Banned commercial practices are contained in ?
Schedule 1 of the UTRs
What are the BANNED commercial AGRESSIVE PRACTICES in schedule 1?
24/27, 30-31
What did Rodney stone Geoffrey Moore 2012 involve
Suuroundied the practice no 7 in the schedule stating that the product won’t be available for much longer or only for a certain period of time and also aggressive practices about the sales team going to the homes - was about praying on the elderly as they were a mobility company
What was R v King (Scott) 2014 about?
About a cars salesman who ran a business selling cars but had deprived consumers of their rights on the particular occasions he sold cars claiming to be a private seller = so he didn’t have to provide a warranty or a guarantee - against number 22 falsely claiming or creating the impression that the trader was not acting for purposes relating to his trade etc
Purely Creative Ltd v OFT
That was about number 31 of the banned aggressive practices where it was giving the consumer the impression that they’d already won
1) directive 2005/29 must be interpreted as commercial practices of the consumer having to request more info on the prize or incur a cost or pay money for it or to get the prize
2) it is irrelevant that the cost of claiming or gaining more information was de minimis compared to the value of the prize
3) it was irrelevant that the company gave various methods to claim the prize or that they didn’t benefit from the cost incurred to do so
4) preamble recticals 18/19 to directive and article 5(2)(b) = it’s for the national courts to assess the info provided to consumers by taking into account whether it was clear and could be understood by the public targeted by the practice
Subject to the unfairness test - misleading practices under regulation 5 of the UTRs
Misleading actions can be one of two ways either under s5(2) or s5(3): s5(2) is supplemented by factors in a 5(4)
Misleading action - reg 5
OFT v Purely Creative Industries 2011: don’t get mixed up with aggressive practices case Purely Creative plc v OFT!!!
“Traditional decision not otherwise taken” i.e. An economic consequence of a transactional decision, causal link is key - the misleading action must be needed and with regards to omitted information, it’s not whether the omitted info would assist or be relevant but whether it is necessary to enable the average consumer to take an informed transactional decision