Unfair Labor Practice Flashcards
What is the concept of Unfair Labor Practice?
Unfair Labor Practice violate the constitutional right of workers and employees to self-organization, are inimical to the legitimate interest of both labor and management including the right to bargain collectively or otherwise deal with each other in an atmosphere of freedom and mutual respect, disrupt industrial peace and hinder the promotion of healthy and stable labor-management relations (Art. 258, Labor Code)
What are the elements of an unfair labor practice?
1) There is an employee-employer relationship between the offender and the offended;
2) the act done is expressly defined in the Code as an unfair labor practice.
Define Interference.
It is the interference with, restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of their right to self-organization.
Define Yellow Dog Condition.
It is a condition of employment that a person or employee shall not join a labor organization or shall withdraw from to which he belongs.
Define Contracting Out
It means contracting out services or functions being performed by union members when such will interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of their right to self-organization.
What is Company Unionism
It is to initiate, dominate, assist or otherwise interfere with the formation or administration of any labor organization, including the giving of financial and other support to it or its organizers or supporters.
What constitutes Discrimination for or against union membership?
It includes discrimination as to wages, hours of work and other terms and conditions of employment in order to encourage or discourage membership of any labor organization.
What is discrimination because of testimony?
There is discrimination because of testimony when an employee is dismissed, discharged or otherwise prejudiced or discriminated for having given or is about to give testimony under this Code.
When is Paid Negotiation?
When there is payment of negotiation or attorney’s fees for the union or its officers or agents as part of the settlement of any issue in collective bargaining or any other dispute.
How does the prohibition on unfair labor practice affects the employer in the management of his business?
The law on “unfair labor practice” is not intended to deprive the employer of his fundamental right to prescribe and enforce such rules as he honestly believes is necessary to the proper, productive and profitable operation of his business. Nor are his rights of selection and discharge of his employees wrested from him by the Act. The only condition imposed upon this control is that it must not be exercised so as to effect a violation of the law and its several prohibitions.
What is the nature of Transfer of Personnel and how it must be done to avoid the charge of Unfair Labor Practice?
Unless there are instances which directly point to interference by the company with the employee’s rights to self-organization, the transfer of an employee should be considered as within the bounds allowed by law like when despite his transfer to a lower position, his original rank and salary remained undiminished. Similarly, the management does not commit unfair labor practice if it exercises the option given to it in the CBA to retire an employee who either has rendered 25 years of service or reached the age of 60.
The union alleged that the promotion of one of their members to a managerial position was prompted by a desire to deprive them of the membership of the promoted employee.
It is the company’s prerogative to promote its employees to managerial positions. Managerial positions are offices which can only be held by persons who have the trust of the corporation and its officers. They should not be prevented from doing so. A promotion which is manifestly beneficial to an employee should not give rise to a gratuitous speculation that such a promotion was made simply to deprive the union of the membership of the promoted employee.
Your client, the employer wants to interrogate members of the union. As the lawyer of the employer, what will you advise him so as not to be charged with unfair labor practice due to interference?
I will advise my client that he must communicate with the employee the purpose of the questioning, assure him that no reprisal would take place and obtain his participation on a voluntary basis. In addition, questioning must also occur in a context free from employer hostility to union organization and must not itself coercive in nature.
Persistent interrogation of employees to elicit information as to what had happened at union meetings and the identity of the active union employees was held violative of organizational rights of employees.
Can Unfair Labor Practice be committed against an employee even before the union is registered?
Yes. Under Article 259, of the Labor Code of the Philippines, “to interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in their exercise of the right to self-organization” is an unfair labor practice on the part of the employer. Paragraph (d) of said Article also considers it an unfair labor practice for an employer “ to initiate, dominate, assist or otherwise interfere with the formation or administration of any labor organization, including the giving of financial or other support to it.”
What is the so called “Totality of Conduct” Doctrine of the Employers?
Expressions of opinion by an employer, though innocent in themselves, frequently held to be culpable because of the circumstances under which they are uttered, the history of the particular employer’s labor relations or anti union bias or because of their connection with an established collateral plan of coercion and interference.
What is the test of interference or coercion?
When the conduct reasonably tends to interfere with the free exercise of employee’s right. It is NOT NECESSARY that there be direct evidence that any employee was in fact intimidated or coerced by statements of threats of the employer if there is REASONABLE INFERENCE that the anti-union conduct of the employer does have an adverse effect on self-organization and collective bargaining.
When is a lockout amounts to a ULP?
The evidence must be established that the purpose was to interfere with the employees exercise of their rights. P
In Unfair Labor Practice, the dismissal must be entirely and exclusively be motivated by union activities. Yes or no.
No. To constitute Unfair Labor Practice, the dismissal need not ENTIRELY and EXCLUSIVELY motivated by the union activities or affiliations. It is enough that the discrimination is a CONTRIBUTING FACTOR. If the basic inspiration for the act of the employer is derived from the affiliation or activities of the union, the former’s assignment of another reason, no matter how seemingly valid is unavailing.
An employer justified the cessation of corporate operations was the alleged business losses.
The employer should present a clear and convincing evidence of imminent economic or business reversals as a form of affirmative defense in the proceedings before the labor arbiter or under justifiable circumstances, even on appeal with the NLRC.
When does the doctrine of “Successor-Employer” apply?
a) if the “new” company is engaging in the same business as the closed company or department; or
b) is owned by the same people, and the closure is calculated to defeat the worker’s organizational right.
The closure may be declared a subterfuge and the doctrine of successor employer will be applied. The new company will be treated as a continuation or successor of the one that closed. if such is the case, the separated employees will have to be employed in the new firm because in the first place they should not have been separated at all.
Is contracting out a ULP?
No. Contracting out per se is not ULP. It is the ill-intention that makes it so. An employer’s contracting out of work is itself an unfair labor practice where it is motivated by a desire to prevent his employees from organizing or selecting a collective bargaining representative, rid himself of union men or escape his statutory duty to bargain collectively with his employee’s bargaining representative.
When contracting out allowed and not ULP?
The employer is not guilty of unfair labor practice in contracting work out of business reasons such as decline in business, the inadequacy of his equipment and the need to reduce cost, even if the employer’s estimate of his cost is based on a PROJECTED INCREASE ATTRIBUTABLE TO UNIONIZATION.
What is required before an employer implements a job contracting out?
The employer has the duty to consult the union before implementing a job contracting out that would last for 6 months or more. The company can determine in its business judgment whether it should contract out the performance of some of its work for as long as the employer is motivated by good faith, and the contracting out must not have been the result of malicious or arbitrary action.
What is a Run away shop?
1) it is an industrial plant moved by its owners from one location to another to escape labor union regulation and state laws;
2) a plant removed to a new location in order to discriminate against employees of the old plant because of their union activities.
Run away shop refers to business relocation animated by anti-union animus. Sameness of business is not reason enough to show run-away shop to pierce the veil of separate entity.
What is a Union Security Clause?
It is a form of encouragement of union membership by requiring membership in the union so that an employee may retain his job and the union existence may be assured. CBA stipulations intended to enforce union membership are generally called union security clause. It is a form of compulsory union membership the objective is to assure continued existence of the union.
Are union security clauses form of discrimination?
Yes. There is discrimination favoring unionism. It is a valid kind of “discrimination.” The employer is not guilty of unfair labor practice if it merely complies in good faith with the request of the certified union for the dismissal of the employees expelled pursuant to union security clause in collective bargaining agreements.