Unfair Commercial Practices - 2005/29/EC Flashcards
Aim of consumer protection
improve the ‘weak’ position of the consumers vis-à-vis businesses
UCPD - key notes
- B2C commercial practices
- full harmonisation (except financial services, immovable property)
- sanctions are national
Flowchart of assessment of UCPD
see Desktop
B2C commercial practice
- Art. 2 UCPD
- Case law: commercial acts that originate from a trader and which clearly form part of an operator’s commercial strategy and relate directly to the promotion thereof and its sales development
“Trader / business”
- Art 2 UCPD
- Case law: any natural or legal person which carries out a gainful activity (public or private, BKK Mobil Oil)
- Art 2 UCPD
- case law: CJEU case law: any individual not engaged in commercial or trade activities
Time period UCPD is applicable
Before, during and after a commercial transaction (“cradle-to-grave” regime)
-> e.g. UPC
“Practice” ≠ single communication
• Repeated more than once
• Addressed to indefinite number of consumers
HOWEVER: UPC -> any misleading practises in communication (also single one), is to be regarded as “misleading commercial practice”
Harmonisation degree of UCPD
Full harmonisation (uniform law)
= MS may not maintain or adopt stricter national provisions (same minimum and maximum protection in EU)
= MS should virtually copy-paste the provisions of the Directive in national law
-> Precise SCOPE OF APPLICATION crucial:
Practices included in scope (contrary to some national legislation)
- Premium selling/ tying (VTB-VAB, Plus)
- National legislation prohibiting certain announcements of price reductions (Wamo) -> insofar incompatible with National Law as consumer protection is pursued as objective
- Announcement of clearance sales (Köck) allowed
- Sale at a loss (Euronics) -> in so far as the prohibition is aimed at the protection of consumers
Practices excluded/ not included from scope
Recital 6:
- national legislation relating to unfair commercial practices
- which harm only competitors’ economic interests or
- which relate to a transaction between traders
Case law:
- Tying of financial services (Citroen Benelux) (Art. 3 (9))
- Opening hours (consumer protection not an objective) (Pelckmans)
- Art. 3 (3, 8): provisions protecting public health or upholding professional standards (Vanderborght, Wamo)
Misleading omission
Art. 7 UCPD
-> case law: Canal Digital Danmark (including all material info of Art 7 (4) does not preclude Art 6 (1) or Art 7 (2))
Art. 7 (3) UCPD
transactional decision test applies here, too (Ving Sverige)
Deroo-Blanquat case
Combined offer consisting of the sale of a computer equipped with pre-installed software
-> price of each of those items does not constitute material information
Art 5 (2) UCPD
Unfair, if:
- contrary to requirements of professional diligence
- likely to appreciably impair the average consumer’s ability to make a free and informed decision AND
- likely to cause the average consumer to take a transactional decision that he would not have taken otherwise
Wide variety of sanctions: o private law sanctions o injunctions o administrative sanctions o criminal sanctions?
- see above
- Cross-border enforcement: CPC Regulation 2006/2004
- > Exchange of information
- > Mutual assistance requests