Uneven Development and Sustainable Environments Flashcards
Growing or extracting raw materials.
Manufacturing and processing goods.
Providing a service.
Providing information services.
Public Sector
People employed by the national, regional or local government.
Private Sector
People who are self-employed or work for a larger company/organisation that is not controlled by the government.
The land on which the industrial unit is to be built.
The land surrounding the site.
Goods that a country buys in from other countries.
Goods that a country sells to other countries.
A limit placed on the quantity of goods that a country may export to another.
Import duty
A tax or tariff that must be paid by a company when exporting its goods to a country.
A payment a country makes to its own producers to make them more competitive against imported goods.
Bilateral Aid
Aid given by the government of one country to the government of another.
Non-government Aid
Aid given by independent organisations, often charities, which collect donations to use in countries and groups that need help.
Emergency Aid
Help given to affected areas immediately following a disaster. It concentrates on providing basic necessities like food, shelter and medical help.
Multilateral Aid
Aid given by governments to large international organisations which help then decide how the aid should be distributed.
A large store of underground water, usually contained in porous rocks.
Water in the ground below the water table.
Adult Literacy
The percentage of people over 16 years old in a country or region that can read and write
Arable Farming
The type of farming that involves growing crops
The Brandt Report
A report produced in 1980 that divided the world into More Economically Developed Countries
Economic recession
A period of decline during which some industrial activity closes, people become unemployed and the negative multiplier operates
European Union
A free-trade area established within the member countries in 1993
Fair Trade
Fair trade means that the producer receives a guaranteed and fair price for their product regardless of the price on the world market.
A Brazilian shanty town or squatter settlement
Formal employment
Official jobs with set hours and rates of pay. People who are formally employed pay direct taxes to the government.
Free trade
The movement of goods and services within a country or trade group which does not require the payment
The expansion of a company from its original country to a position where it has branches in many countries. These have an important influence on world trade.
GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
The total value of all the goods and services produced in a country in one year by all the people living in that country.
GNP (Gross National Product)
The total value of all the goods and services produced by the people of a country in one year whether or not they are living there at the time.
Informal employment
Unofficial jobs that have no set hours or rates of pay. People who are informally employes may avoid paying tax and are usually self employed.
The structure of communications and services and required to support economic development e.g power supplies.
Intermediate aid
Help usually given by organisations in MEDC’s to people living LEDC’s. It often involves small-scale, labour intensive schemes aimed at providing a sustainable future.
MNC (multi-national companies)
Large companies with a branch in more than one company. Decisions are made at a headquarters in one of those countries.
Negative Multiplier effect
A downwards spiral of events that follow the decline of investment
Positive Multiplier Effect
An upwards spiral of events that follow a major investment in a region