Unemployment Flashcards
These are those able and willing to work but are not employed, they are actively seeking work and are usually looking to start within the next two weeks.
Those with a job
Economic inactivity
This occurs when people are not in the labour force, they are neither working nor looking for work. Thic could include categories such as early retirement, long term sickness.
They have to be in the working age.
The labour force
This is the number of people of working age who are employed or are looking for employment.
Measuring unemployment
- Claimant count method
- Labour force survey
What is the claimant account
This is the offical government method of calculating unemployment, it counts the number of people recieving unemployment benefits. (jobseekers allowance)
Problems with the Claimant account
- Excludes people who might be looking for work, it excludes people over 60 and under 18.
- Excludes married women looking to return to work.
- Very stirct rules means you can easily miss out on JSA.
- Some people may be claiming benefits and working in the black market.
- Some people on the JSA may not be seeking work.
- ‘Stigma’ some people are too proud to claim benefits.
- People on large incomes may not bother to collect JSA.
Pros of Claimant account
- Compiled every month, up to date.
- Cheap to produce/data straight from job center.
- No sampling areas as it includes everyone claiming JSA.
The labour force survey
This is a survey asking 60,000 people whether they were unemployed and whether they were looking for a job. This includes some people not elegible for benefits but still meet the criteria for unemployment.
- It asks whether you have been actively seeking work in the last 4 weeks and available to start in the nect two.
Cons of the labour force survey
- People could lie
- By the time published the survey is 6 weeks out of date.
- Possible sampling errors and anomolies if you only ask 60,000 people out of the total population.
Universal credit
A new benefit system adminstered by the department of work and pesnions.
Claimant account now uses UC and JSA
ISSUES, this is available to people who are in work and on low incomes, not representative.
Pros of the labour force survey
- More inclusive, not a rigid criteria to participate in survey you only need to be over 16.
- More accurate, UC can be misleading.
More general difficulties with measuring unemployment
- Under-employment, people may be offcially classed as employed, however they may be working fewer hours than they would like. Part time for example.
Causes of unemployment
- Structural
- Frictional
- Seasonal
- Demand deficient
- Real wage inflexibilty
- Voluntary unemployment
Frictional unemployment
This is caused by people moving between jobs, this is a short term issue yet there will always be SOME frictional unemployment in the economy.
COULD be healthy as its a sign of the economy shifting to where it needs more workers.
Structural unemployment
This is long-term unemployment caused by structural changes in the economy, or a mismatch of skills in the market.
Contraction of manafacturing industries
Shift and expansion in terriary industries such as banking and finance
Structural unemployment - Occupational immobility
This refers to the difficulties in learning new skills applicable to a new industry and technological change. For example, a former manual labourer may find it hard to retrain in a new high tech industry.
Structural unemployment - Geographical immobility
- This refers to the difficulty in moving regions to get a job, workers finding it hard to relocate.
Structural unemployment - Globalisation
GLOBAL SHIFT manafacturing sectors have moved to areas with lower labour costs, deindustrialisation.
Seasonal unemployment
This occurs during certain points of the year, for example more people will be employed in the tourist industry in the summer.
Voluntary unemployment
This occurs when people turn down the oppurtunity to work at the going wage rate.
- Its possible that unemployment benefits are so high its not worth going into work.
Demand deficient
- Sometimes referred to as cyclical unemployment, this occurs when a fall in AD as a result of a fall in demand for goods and services.
- As demand falls, demand for labour will fall.
Technological unemployment
Caused by the subsitution of labour for capital.
Technological improvements can also cause a rise in productivity and therefore firms need less workers to produce the same output
Real wage unemployment
Wages are forced above the normal market rate and cause a excess supply for labour. This can be caused by a minimum wage of trade unions. DIAGRAM
- Firms will now demand less and there will be excess supply.
- Concerns that if there is a rise in the minimum wage this will result in unemployment in low paid industries.