Unemployment Flashcards
Individuals of working age who are able, available and willing to work but cannot find it despite an active search
- Economically active but not in employment
Anyone over the age of 16 who has completed 1 hour of work
Unemployment rate
Number of unemployed / labour force
- Proportion of economically inactive people who are unemployed
Economically inactive
Those not in work and aren’t looking for work despite being of working age
Labour force
The economically active
Employed + Unemployed
Full employment
All those who are economically active and willing and able to work at going wage rates are able ti find employment
- Absence of demand deficient employment
Discouraged workers
People who have been unable to find work despite looking - no longer looking
When an individual is employed in a second choice occupation / under utilised in terms of skills / is not working as much as they would like to
Claimant count
Number of eligible to claim JSA / month (looking for work)
- Cheaper and new figures each month
- Excludes unemployed but are not eligible (partners have high incomes or savings)
- Some unemployed don’t register or claim
- Some can’t prove that they are looking for work
Labour force survey
International Labour Organisation. 16+, want a job, have looked in last 4 weeks or have found a job and will start in the next 2 weeks
- All EU members use it = easy comparison
- Data collected annually with quarterly sampling
- Costly
- Not the most accurate
Problems of both the Claimant Count and LFS
Don’t include hidden unemployed, underemployed or discouraged workers
Seasonal unemployment
Regular changes in labour demand throughout the seasons causing unemployment
Frictional unemployment
Unemployment associated with job search
Structural unemployment
Unemployment arising from changes in the pattern of economic activity were there is a mismatch between labour skills and new job requirements
Real wage unemployment
Happens when wages are forced above equilibrium, causing labour supply to extend and labour demand to contract