Une Journée Culturelle Flashcards
What is the French term for ‘ancient’ or ‘old’?
Used to describe something that is very old or from a previous time period.
Translate ‘fine arts’ into French.
Les beaux-arts (m.)
Refers to visual arts that are created primarily for their aesthetic value.
What does ‘un conte’ mean?
A narrative, often fictitious, that tells a story.
What is ‘une critique’ in English?
review, criticism
Can refer to a critical assessment of art, literature, or performances.
Who is ‘un(e) écrivain(e)’?
A person who creates written works, such as books or articles.
Fill in the blank: ‘Faire de la _______’ means to paint.
This phrase indicates the activity of painting as an art form.
What is ‘une œuvre (d’art)’?
(art)work; piece of (art)
Refers to a creation in the field of visual arts.
Translate ‘painter’ into French for both genders.
un peintre/une femme peintre
Refers to someone who creates paintings.
What is the French word for ‘novel’?
un roman
A long narrative work of fiction.
What does ‘un tableau’ refer to?
A visual artwork created using various mediums.
Who is ‘un sculpteur/une sculptrice’?
An artist who creates three-dimensional works of art.
What is ‘une sculpture’ in English?
A three-dimensional artwork created by shaping materials.
What does ‘un applaudissement’ mean?
A public expression of approval or appreciation, often in the form of clapping.
Translate ‘song’ into French.
une chanson
A musical composition with lyrics.
What does ‘célèbre’ mean?
Describes someone or something well-known or renowned.
What is ‘un chœur’?
choir, chorus
A group of singers performing together.
What is ‘le début’ in English?
Refers to the start of a story, performance, or event.
Fill in the blank: ‘Un _______ animé’ means cartoon.
Refers to animated artistic works often targeted at children.
What does ‘un entracte’ mean?
A break between parts of a performance or screening.
What type of film is ‘un film d’aventures’?
adventure film
A genre focusing on exciting and often dangerous journeys.
What is ‘un film d’horreur’?
horror film
A genre designed to frighten and unsettle the audience.
What does ‘un film policier’ refer to?
crime film
A genre centered around criminal activities and investigations.
What is the English translation of ‘un film de science-fiction’?
science-fiction film
A genre that explores futuristic concepts and advanced technologies.
What does ‘la fin’ mean?
end, ending
Refers to the conclusion of a story or event.
What is ‘un groupe’ in English?
A musical ensemble, typically performing popular music.
Who is ‘un metteur en scène/une metteuse en scène’?
director (of a play, show)
The person responsible for the artistic and dramatic aspects of a performance.
What does ‘un personnage (principal)’ refer to?
(main) character
The central figure in a story or narrative.
What is ‘une place’ in the context of performance?
Refers to a designated location for an audience member in a venue.
What is the term for ‘director (of a movie)’ in French?
un réalisateur/une réalisatrice
The person responsible for overseeing the production of a film.
What does ‘une scène’ mean?
The area where performances are held.
What is ‘une séance’ in English?
A showing of a film or performance to an audience.