Underworld Opening: Roma Flashcards
Mater circumspectat et amicum conspicit.
Mother looks around and catches sight of a friend
olim in Britannia nos eramus milites.
Once we were soldiers in Britain.
salve! quid tu in urbe agis?
Hello! what are you doing in the city?
cum matre in casa habito.
I am living in the house with my mother.
hic est miles.
This is a soldier.
tu saepe contra amicos pugnabas?
Were you often fighting against friends?
minime! ego saepe amicos adiuvabam!
No! I was often helping friends!
thermas aedificabamus!
We were building baths!
et in silvis habitabant formae, partes homines, partes animalia.
And creatures, part human and part animal, used to live in the woods.
bibere volo! ad popinam?
I want to drink! to the pub?
multa monstra in mari saepe videbamus.
We often used to see many monsters in the sea.
aves mirabiles in silvis cantabant.
Strange birds used to sing in the woods.
nos vias aedificabamus
We were building roads
nos pontes aedificabamus
We were building bridges
nos popinam aedificabamus.
We were building a pub.