Understanding Phlebotomy Flashcards
Act of opening a vein by using incision or puncture methods to draw blood for analysis or as part of therapeutic or diagnostic measures under the physician’s request
Phlebotomy or Venesection
It means vein
It means cut
Used crude tools to cut vevssels and drain from the body
Stone Age
Phlebotomy was a form of Bloodletting
Ancient Egyptians (1400 BC)
Phlebotomomy: Balance of the four humors, removing the excess by bloodletting
Hippocrates (460-377 BC)
Phlebotomy was used to treat illness and performed by barber-surgeons
Middle Ages
Plebotomy was treated as a major therapy
17th and 18th Century
Four Humors
Blood and Brain
Phlegm and Lungs
Black Bile and Spleen
Yellow Bile and Gall Bladder
Application of special heated suction cups on the patient’s skin
Incisions are performed using what in cupping?
Fleam or Lancet
Also known as Hirudotherapy
Scientific name for leeches
Hirudo Medicinalis
What does leeches have that improve bloodflow?
- Local Vasodilator Anasthetic
- Hirudin which is an anticoagulant
Roles of Phlebotomist
- Diagnosis
- Transfusion
- Removal of Blood
Treatment using blood samples
Remove blood at the donor center
Removal of blood
For polycythemia or therapeutic purposes
Puncture that inserts needle in a vein
A punture that usually just punctures the skin
Capillary Puncture
- Certification
- Licensure
- Continuing Education
Patient-Cliant Interaction
- Reassuring and pleasant
- Able to communicate well
- Maintain positive customer relations
- Understand the diversity of the patients and be able to adjust accordingly
Qualities of Professionalism
- Professional Appearance
- Self-Confidence
- Integrity
- Compassion
- Self-Motivation
- Dependability
- Ethical Behavior
Communication in the Health Care Setting
- Verbal Communication
- Nonverbal communication
- Active Listening
Body motion and language (kinesic slip)
Study of an individual’s concept and use of spac e
Zone of comfort
Impression of a phlebotomist
Patients respon faborably to a caring touch
Elements in Healthcare Communication
- Empathy
- Control
- Respect
- Confirmation
- Trust
With permanent impatient beds; 24-hour nursing service; and managed by an organized medical team
2 Major Divisions of a Hospital
- Anatomical and Surgical Pathology Area
- Clinical Analysis Area
Clinical Analysis Areas
- Hematology
- Coagulation
- Chemistry
- Serology | Immunology
- Urinalysis
- Microbiology
- Bloodbank | Immunohematology
Clinical Analysis Area for blood and blood forming tissues
Clinical Analysis Area for the ability of blood to dorm and dissolve clots
Clinical Analysis Area that performs most lab test for plasma, white blood, urine, etc.
Clinical Analysis Area for serum and autoimmune reactions
Serology | Immunology
Clinical Analysis Area to test urine specimens
Clinical Analysis Area for microorganisms in body fluids or tissues
Clinical Analysis Area for blood tranfusions
Blood Bank | Immunohematology
Established in the emergency room (Immediate)
Stat Labs
Large independent laboratory that receives specimen from many facilities in the area
Reference Laboratory
Provide routine and spcialized analysis of the specimen; Offer fast turnaround time and reduced cost
Reference Laboratory
National Reference Laboratories in the Philippines
- East Avenue Medical Center
- Lung Center of the Philippines
- National Kidney and Transplant Institute
- Philippine Heart Center
- Research Institute for Tropical Medicine
- San Larazo Hospital
NRL for environmental and occupationial health, toxicology, micronutrient assat, and industrial and chemical emergencies
East Avenue Medical Center
NRL for General Clinical Chemistry, Anatomic Pathology for pulmonary disease and pleural disease
Lung Center of the Philippines
NRL for Hematology, Immunohematology, Urinalysis, and Anatomic Pathology for renal diseases
National Kidney and Transplant Institute
NRL for cardiac markers and Anatomic Pathology for cardiac diseases
Philippine Heart Center
NRL for dengue, influenza, TB, and other mycobacteria, malaria, and other parasites, bacterial enteric diseasaes, measles, and other viral exanthems, Mycology, Enteroviruses, Antimicrobial resistance and emerging diseases
Research Institute for Tropical Medicine
NRL for STD HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis and other secually transmitted infections
San Lazaro Hospital (STD AIDS Cooperative Central Laboratory | SACCL)