Understanding Cities Flashcards
What did workers find underneath London while digging?
They came across roman stuff
Massive amounts of people began to move into city’s as a result of the……
Industrial revolution
What are two city’s that followed Landon’s under ground mass transit system and in what year
Paris, New York 1858
Their is enough electrical cable in London to do want
Circle the globe
How did electricity change the way we live
Factory’s could now have night shifts city’s could run day and night
What are the ages of the two main water tunnels in New York or when were they built and what problems did they run into with them
They could not repair them because they could turn them off
How many employees are needed to deal with London’s sewage how many flushes per second
15 workers
10 p\s
Cities are often developed in two ways what are they
Organic- city’s that grow over time
Planned- city’s that are build fully by planning
What were two inventions that allowed the construction of sky scrapers
Stringer lighter steel the elevator
The healthiest city’s are…….
Always in a constant state of flux or able to adapt to change
What were Naheeds three ds
Density, diversity, discovery