UML_basics Flashcards
A UML class diagram is made up of …
A set of classes and a set of relationships between classes
Purpose of Class Diagrams
Shows static structure of classifiers in a system
What is a Class
A description of a group of objects all with similar roles in the system
Class consists of …
attributes (Structural features) and operations (Behavioral features)
A class notation consists of three parts: …, Class Attributes, Class Operations (Methods)
Class Name
What is Class Relationships?
Connection with other classes
Type of relationship when subclass is specialization of super class
Structural link between two class
A special type of association. It represents a “part of” relationship
A special type of aggregation where parts are destroyed when the whole is destroyed.
Exists between two classes if the changes to the definition of one may cause changes to the other
They often have a small arrowhead to show the direction in which direction to read the relationship
Relationship Names
… are written at the ends of an association line and describe the purpose played by that class in the relationship.
The arrows indicate whether, given one instance participating in a relationship, it is possible to determine the instances of the other class that are related to it.
denotes public attributes or operations
denotes private attributes or operations
denotes protected attributes or operations
denotes package attributes or operations
How many objects of each class take part in the relationships
Should we use multiple or a single class diagram for modeling the problem?
it is better to use multiple class diagrams
Thus, if you take the … you draw a diagram that represents the concepts in the domain under study
conceptual perspective
The … is considered language-independent
conceptual perspective
Thus, if you take the … we are looking at the interfaces of the software, not the implementation.
specification perspective
The diagrams are interpreted as describing software implementations in a particular technology and language.
implementation perspective
if you take the … we are looking at the software implementation.
implementation perspective
navigability может быть
одно направленным и дву направленным
Java имеет только две явные конструкции для отражения связей: … и …
extends (наследование) и implements (реализация)
2 different types of languages:
for real software and for design
Code from UML is …
too simple
UML from real code is …
too complex and difficult to understand
There are lots of question that … real code and design
model driven development
подход в разработке: сначала генерируется скелет, а потом дополняется
реверс инжениринг
нарисовать высокоуровневый UML, чтобы понять что происходит