Ultrasound Flashcards
What EMR is used in Ultrasound?
N/A soundwaves are used
What is ultrasound?
High-frequency sound waves beyond the range of human hearing (20Hz-20 kilohertz)
What is the diagnostic ultrasound frequency?
Advantages of ultrasound
No ionising radiation Well-tolerated Relatively cheap Readily available Real-time Portable
Patient not suitable to CT / MRI
Claustrophobic / poor renal function / metallic objects
Limitations of ultrasound
Operator dependent Bowel gas Obesity Bone Good sensitivity but not always specific
What does the transducer do
Both send and detect the echo
Sends loads of beams of sound (FOV)
Piezoelectric crystal
You give current to the crystals and the crystals start to vibrate and this vibration produces sound.
Electrical to mechanical
Its an alternating current
Then the sounds echo back from the structures and goes back to the transducer
This distorts the crystals (mechanical to electrical) to produce the image.
The electrical signals are processed and stored on a computer memory.
What is amplitude?
Loudness dB
What is high frequency used for?
Higher frequency has a shorter wavelength gives greater resolution
BUT…… poorer penetration because it is preferentially absorbed
Good image detail but poor for scanning deep structures
What is low frequency used for?
Lower ultrasound frequencies have a longer wavelength so give better scanning at depth but lower resolution
Reduced image detail but can scan deeper structures
Types of probes
Phased array
Intra-cavity probes
tissues that are capable of producing echoes of different strength depending on their acoustic impedance.
Sound travels through tissue at different rates depending on it acoustic impedance.
no reflected echoes (black area)
Same densities/similar
same grey
Different densities
Lots of different echo
Brighter than normal tissues
Darker than normal tissues
Focal area describe
Well-defined - easy to see
Poorly defined - hard to see
Simple cyst
Same density throughout it
Complex cyst
different densities throughout it
Acoustic shadowing
causes shadow appearance on image, soundwave doesnt travel through certain things like bones, gallstones
Acoustic enhancement
Soundwave travels through the tissue more easily and causes a light
less of the beam is sent back/absorbed by the tissue.
What is the risk with ultrasound?
High output can cause heating
More risk to sensitive organs such as foetal
Safety Indices
MI = mechanical index TIB = Thermal index for bone > 10 weeks gestational age TIS = Thermal index for soft tissue < 10 weeks gestational age TIC = transcranial imaging