Ultimate Reality Flashcards
Siddhartha Gautama is the __th Buddha
Maitreya Buddha is…
… the next Buddha when dhamma is forgotten again
How do Theravda Buddhists see the Buddha?
– Completely human with ordinary 5 aggregates
– Tathagata (‘one who has thus gone’) cannot be contacted
– Stories (inc. miracles) are completely true
What are samyaksambuddhas and pratekyabuddhas?
Translation & what they do
Samyaksambuddhas (‘perfectly/exactly’) become enlightened and teach others to do so
Pratekyabuddhas (‘solitary’) become enlightened independently and don’t teach others to do the same.
What are bodhisattvas in Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism?
Theravada – Path to/aims to achieve enlightenment
Mahayana – Enlightened and compassionately remains in samsara to free all sentient beings from dukkha
Mahayana believe in the trikaya. Define and describe.
Translation, name and description of each term.
- Nirmanakaya (‘earthly/manifestation’) – subject to life, dukkha & dukkha. Nirmanakaya Buddhas can become sambodhakayas or be reborn upon death.
- Dharmakaya (‘dhamma/truth’) – Understanding of truth of the universe, sunyata (emptiness) of all things and know cosmic, ultimate truth to life. Independent of person realising it.
- Sambodhgakaya (‘heavenly’) – Splendid paradise in their own domains. Can help bengs out of karuana and be prayed to, seeking support & guidance.
The Buddha said, “You only lose…
“…what you cling to.”
“It is impossible that a person with the right view…”
“…should see any formation as permanent.” - Suttapitaka
Paticcasamuppada translates to….
Dependant arising/origination.
Svabhava translates to…
Self nature.
Define Sunyata
Absence of svabhava in everything, past just humans.
How does Quantum Physics support Sunyata?
Quantum physics states alll particles are constantly evolving and changing– lacking any permanence. Existence is just impermanence in slow-motion.
What are the Prajnaparamita sutras?
‘Wisdom’ Mahayana sutra— Collection of 40 sutras inc. Heart Sutra detailing sunyata. Hidden until world was ready to recieve the messages.
The Buddha describes Nirvana as…
“Incomprehenesible, indescribale, inconcievable, unutterable.”
What are the two types of Nirvana?
— Sopadhishesa-Nirvana (with remainders) where conscious of pain & pleasure but no longer bound to it (Arhats)
— Parinirvana (final) where achieves complete nirvana & transcendance