Ultimate History Lesson 1 Flashcards
Trinity Shield
Father = Logic
Son = Grammar
Holy Spirit = Rhetoric
“Steal the key language of the person or group you want to overthrow and you redefine it. And people then become confused.”(this is what school does)
George Orwell “1984”
Walter Lipmann “Public Opinion”
“the first step of an education is to mistrust what you are most certain of….”
“…Now it may survive, but it needs to be tested, not just once, but until you’re exhausted from testing it.”
-John Taylor Gatto
“Historically, management doesn’t know how to manage…
“…independent units, even particularly independent units.”
John Gatto
I sat down at the beginning of the school year with the intention of, I had 120 students…
…to try to have 120 different written curriculum.
School’s intent is to…
Artificially extend childhood. (to keep us dependent upon Corporations for jobs Government for assistance)
The Civil War…
To remove smart southern Congressmen. Slavery was almost out because plantation owners wife’s were jealous of their husband’s sleeping with slaves
Slavery was done away with because…
It cost too much overhead to take care of entire families. It was cheaper to have wage slaves instead. When slaver get sick or too old, you can’t fire them because it crushes the moral of the others.
Same US people made adoption and schooling. Labor costs were lowered by bringing both husband and wife into the workforce. So this lead to parents putting kids up for adoption. (kids in boxcars)
The Rise Of The Dangerous Classes in NYC by C L Brace
“Orphan Train”
Mirror Neurons
People learn to use their own biological equipment by watching people who have the same or nearly identical genes. Adopted kids can’t imitate foster parents, so they become crazed and angry.
People who do well on short answer standard testing memorize bits of information, but they don’t connect the bits of information.
When they seem to be able to connect the bits of information it’s because they have memorized someone else’s connections. The better the schools the more memorized connections.
Is there any connection between frustration and aggression? And what effect does school have on it?
The connection is intimate. School removes you free will to choose.
“Frustration And Aggression” John Dillard
The great capitalists (Carnagie, Rockafeller, etc) understood that the great problem with capitalism was…
Assembling capital (in the form of OPM and OPT) so they created the school system to ensure they would always have wage slaves who invested in their banks and companies.
Prussian School system was designed to destroy…
Imagination. It was implemented To change America from being S’s into E’s, reducing business competition and providing wage slaves for the elite.
The elect are born saved and can do no wrong. No amount of good can save the damned, no amount of evil will damn the saved
The only way the elect will be safe is to set up universal schooling with the intent of destroying the imagination and filling their head with trash. elect outnumbered 18:1 (John Calvin)