Ultimate Guide to Indirect Object Pronouns in Spanish (PART 1) Flashcards
Mi amiga (__) sus problemas. My friend (tells me) her problems.
me cuenta
Hice el bizcocho para Mario y Nereyda. I made a cake for Mario y Nereyda. What is the IOP? How do you say ¨I made a cake for them.¨
The IOP: Les
Para ellos hice un pastel
Les hice un pastel
Where does IOP located in a sentence?
Before the verb if its conjugated
Ellos contaron una historia a Jaden
They told a story to Jaden
What is the IOP? How do you say
¨They told a story to him¨
Ellos le contaron una historia.
para el ellos cuentan una historia.
Preparaste el desayuno para mi?
Did you prepare for breakfast for me?
What is the IOP?
Types of verbs for IOP
You need a verb that can indirectly affect other things by its action.
A few of these common verbs in Spanish are: alquilar, dar, decir, dejar, echar,
regalar, and vender
English: Will you leave him the car?
Español: ¿Le dejas el coche?
What is the IOP?
English: Did she tell you the story?
Español: ¿Te dijo la historia?
What is the IOP?
English: I have rented my house to her.
Español: Le he alquilado mi casa (a ella).
What is the IOP?
Pronoun (indirect object) + conjugated verb + infinitive verb + complement.
Conjugated verb + infinitive verb + pronoun (indirect object) + complement.
A shortcut to easily remembering this is by knowing that an indirect object will always be preceded by prepositions like “a” and “para”, as the action is intended for someone or something else.
An easy rule for remembering how to find the indirect object is by asking, for who/whom/what the action is being done for?
Or who is receiving the benefit of the main action?
For complex sentences (or ones that are particularly long), you can simply ask: Who is the main action for?
He cooks the food for his wife – Él cocina la comida para su esposa.
Now we ask, who does he cook the food for?
The answer is his wife (for her).
He cooks her food – Él le cocina la comida
Le Meaning
Him / Her / You (formal)
Les meaning
Les for ustedes means you (formal)
Les for ellos/as means them
two ways to say:
I want to buy food for her
quiero comprar comida para ella
quiero comprarle la comida para ella
Carlos has bought a gift for his sister – Carlos ha comprado un regalo a su hermana
Carlos has bought her a gift – Carlos le ha comprado un regalo (Le = a su hermana)
My father gave me a guitar
Mi padre me regaló una guitarra
We want to accompany you
Nosotros te queremos acompañar
You said yes (to him, to her)
Tú le dijiste que si (a él, a ella)
I respect you very much
Yo le tengo mucho respeto
He will take us to the beach
Él nos llevará a la playa
She will help you (plural) tomorrow
Ella les ayudará mañana
Carmen makes them meals every day
Carmen les hace la comida todos los días
Carlos and Ana accompany us to work
Carlos y Ana nos acompañan al trabajo