Ulipristal. acetate [elle one ] Flashcards
Drug action
For ulipristal acetate: Ulipristal acetate is a synthetic, selective progesterone receptor modulator with a partial progesterone antagonist effect.
Indications and dose (Emergency Contraception)
1. By mouth
2. Females of childbearing potential
3. 30 mg for 1 dose, to be taken as soon as possible after coitus,
4. No later than after 120
Indications and dose (Uterine fibroids)
- By mouthAdult
- 5 mg daily for up to 3 months, starting during the first week of menstruation,
- treatment course may be repeated if necessary;
- re-treatment should start no sooner than during the first week of the second menstruation following completion of the previous course;
- maximum 4 courses.
Important safety information
- Rare but serious cases of liver injury and hepatic failure requiring liver transplantation have been reported worldwide in women treated with Esmya®
Liver function should be monitored before, during, and after treatment courses (see Monitoring requirements);
Esmya® should not be used in those with an underlying liver disorder.
Patients should be advised to stop therapy and seek immediate medical advice if any signs of liver damage develop
There are currently no concerns with the use of the emergency contraceptive ellaOne®—see Indications and dose.
Contra-indications (General)
- Breast cancer;
- cervical cancer;
- ovarian cancer;
- severe asthma controlled by oral glucocorticoids;
- undiagnosed vaginal bleeding;
- uterine cancer
Contra-indications (Specific for Uterine fibroids)
When used for Uterine fibroids
Vaginal bleeding not caused by uterine fibroids
Link to view interactions for ulipristal
- Asthenia;
- breast abnormalities;
- dizziness;
- endometrial thickening; gastrointestinal discomfort; headaches;
- hot flush;
- menstrual cycle irregularities;
- mood altered; myalgia;
- ovarian and fallopian tube disorders; pain; pelvic pain; skin reactions; vertigo; vomiting; weight increased
Conception and contraception
When used for Uterine fibroids:
1. Non-hormonal contraceptive methods should be used during treatment
2. And 12 days after stopping, if required.
Pregnancy (Emergency Contraception)
Limited information available
if pregnancy occurs, report to the
ellaOne® pregnancy registry.
Pregnancy (Uterine fibroids)
limited information available.
Breast feeding (Emergency Contraception)
Avoid for 1 week after administration
present in milk.
Breast feeding (Uterine fibroids)
present in milk
but no further information available.
Hepatic impairment (Emergency Contraception)
Avoid in severe impairment
no information available.
Hepatic impairment (Uterine fibroids)
risk of increased exposure.
Renal impairment (Uterine fibroids)
Avoid in severe impairment unless patient is closely monitored
no information available.
Monitoring requirements
Monitoring of patient parameters…
(Detailed monitoring requirements provided)
Patient and carer advice (Emergency Contraception)
When prescribing or supplying hormonal emergency contraception,
women should be told:… (Detailed advice provided)
Patient and carer advice (Uterine fibroids)
1. Prescribers should explain to patients the requirement for treatment-free intervals
2. see also Important safety information
3. A patient card should be provided.
4. If a dose is more than 12 hours late,
5. the missed dose should not be taken
6. and the next dose should be taken at the normal time.
5. Patients and carers should be counselled on the effects on driving and performance of skilled tasks
6.increased risk of dizziness.