UK - Pressure groups Flashcards
What is a pressure group?
An organised interest group in which members hold similar beliefs and actively pursue ways to influence government.
How do they differ from political parties?
They only seek to influence those in power, whereas a political party aims to win power for itself
Give the 5 main functions of pressure groups
- Encouraging public participation in politics
- Providing channels of communication between the government and the governed
- Protecting minority rights
- Providing expert information to the government
- Mobilising public support for certain issues that may include the direct action tacctics
Pressure Groups
Explain and analyse three advantages possessed by insider pressure groups
intro: pressure groups are groups of individuals that aims to influence political decsion making.Insider pressure groups have regular contact with decision makers
1-Good communication channel. RSPCA is an insider group and is very successful due to connection and communication with Gov
2-Well funded and resourced. CBI (Confederation of british industry) funded £850 million during the 2008 financial crisis to help
3-Consultation. Many bills are made with insider groups advising its creation.(green and white papers of legislative process)Police protections and powers bill 2019 due to Police Federation lobbying.
Pressure Groups
Explain and analyse three methods used by pressure groups to advance policy objectives
intro: pressure groups are groups of individuals that aims to influence political decsion making
1-Lobbying. Police protections and powers bill 2019 due to Police Federation lobbying.
2-Demonstrations. Just stop oil famous for disruptive demonstrations eg running onto football pitched during live games in front of thousands and tying themselves to goalposts
3-media campaigning. Use of E-petitions, Howard league for penal reform used media to overturn a ban on sending books to prisons in 2014
pressure groups
Explain and analyse three factors that explain why some pressure groups are more successful than others
intro: pressure groups are groups of individuals that aims to influence political decsion making
1-Insider status : allows you to be close to lawmakers and genuinely effect policy. EG trade unions under a labour government
2-Membership : National trust highest membership (5million - more then any party) and is very very successful in lobbying for law which will benefit it eg heritage laws
3-In tune with public opinion : after the 1996 Dunblane shooting the snowdrop appeal gained widespread support that led to the 1997 Firearms Act. with real force behind an issue laws can be forced
What are social movements, what is there impact and what are some examples ?
- a social movement is a long term campaign for the movement of an aspect of society
- Social movements are less structured and organised than pressure groups and may include pressure groups within them. For example, the environmental movement includes pressure groups such as Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth.
(CASE STUDY) British Medical association - membership, methods, successes, failures
- essentially a doctors union, play a leading role in every debate on public health
- membership - 170,000
- methods include lobbying the government, enjoy insider status so can brief MPs on health policies
- organised the first full strike by Junior doctors in 2016, but was a failure and did not achieve what it set out to do
(CASE STUDY) - Extinction rebellion - membership, methods, successes, failures
- main aims : make the government admit to a climate emergency
- membership : no formal hierarchy and decentralised structure, has groups active in over 70 countries
- Methods : peaceful direct action and civil disobedience eg October 2019 protests where around 200 protestors were arrested for disrupting London transport systems
What is Pluralism ?
- describes a situation in which different groups compete equally for power and influence
- opposite of elitism
FOR - pressure groups enhance democracy
- pressure groups allow people to focus on one issue that concerns them (eg environment). Issues that are not as pressing during an election can be represented by a pressure group
- pressure groups enhance participation within democracy and many groups have memberships larger than some political parties, which may suggest they are more relevant to the public
- trade unions allow for the representation of workers and the 2016 trade union act preventing unions from striking without a 50% turnout of members and a 40% threshold of support for the strike. This ensures that strikes have a. Strong democratic mandate from union members
AGAINST - Pressure groups do not enhance democracy
- elitists argue that pressure groups give a larger voice to those who can afford to lobby and fund lawsuits in order to further their cause
- Pressure groups are unaccountable to the electorate unlike political parties
- pressure groups only focus on one particular issue to the exclusion of everything else
- violent and aggressive campaign methods go against the ideas of a liberal democracy . Can also lead to small extremist groups gaining a voice
- Neo liberal view that trade unions undermine democracy