UK Constitution and Parliamentary Sovereignty Flashcards
Reforms to the Current UK Constitution
Bogandor: More public participation in the current voting system; more decisions put to a referendum by the people. He wants a more legal constitution.
Parliamentary Sovereignty definition
Absence of any legal restraint on the Legislative powers of Parliament
The Source of Parliamentary Sovereignty
Jackson Case: Lord Steyn: Parliamentary Sovereignty is the construct of the Common Law
Parliamentary Sovereignty: Traditional View
1) Parliament has the right to make and unmake any law
2) No person or body has the right to override or set aside the legislation of Parliament.
Parliamentary Sovereignty: Modern View
Executive now has significant control in the law making process due to Parliaments Act. (lords delay for 1 yr)
Wade: Parliament act thought was delegated legislation and laws passed under it were invalid as per Jackson case (hunting act) (not the case by courts)
Bingham: Rejected Argument, Legislation under the parliaments act is real and effective law.
Parliamentary Sovereignty Modern View: EU Law
Membership to the EU requires domestic courts to give EU law priority and supremacy: European Communities Act 1972.
Conflict between EU law and the Merchant Shipping Act. EU required no discrimination by nationality.
ECJ = Community law must be fully and uniform ally applied in all of the Member States.
Lord Bridge: So long as UK part of the EU, parliament must give way to the greater supremacy of EU Law.
Parliamentary Sovereignty: Modern View: HRA
European Convention of Human Rights was signed by the UK; Cases from the Court of Human Rights have jurisprudence over UK law.
Human Rights Act 1998
Brought the Convention rights into force in Domestic Law in the UK.
S.3: Law must be read compatibly with conventions
S.4: Declaration by UK Courts of a statute being incompatible with the convention.
Bradley: No power to strike down Act of Parliament but courts can deliver a wound
Lord Hoffman: Parliament can still legislate contrary to Human rights; HRA does not actually stop this.
Parliamentary Sovereignty:Implied repeal Definition
If there arises a conflict between an Old statute and a new Statue, the New statute will win out and overrule and repeal the older one.
Parliamentary Sovereignty: Entrenchment Traditional view
Parliament cannot be constrained by Past legislation and Past Parliaments: effectively Implied Repeal always exits
Wade: Parliament cannot fetter future parliaments. A redefinition of parliament can always be impliedly repealed.
Parliamentary Sovereignty: Entrenchment Modern View
Entrenchment is possible by Parliament since effectively Parliament has the ability to redefine itself and in its redefinition, place restrictions upon itself.
Laws LJ: Thoburn case: Constitutional statutes like European Communities Act cannot be Impliedly repealed
Devolution Acts
Scotland Act 1998, but what about the act of Parliament that made India a sovereign nation, could that just be repealed by any act of parliament?
Van Gend En Loos
Direct effect is necessary to ensure that MS comply with the obligations within the confines of Community Law
Costa v ENEL
EU law is different from ordinary national law. EU given powers by the MS- the law stemming from the treaty cannot be overridden by any domestic legal provision
- Merchant Shipping Act 1988 was in Direct conflict with EU Law
- A national Court in regards to EU law finds that a rule of national law precludes the granting of relief or creates an obstacle then the National Court must set aside that rule/law.