uil vocab Flashcards
a priori
(adj./adv.) 1. Proceeding from a known or assumed cause to a necessarily related effect; deductive, theoretical.
2. A. Derived by or designating the process of reasoning without reference to particular facts or experience.
B. Knowable without appeal to particular experience.
3. Made before or without examination; not supported by factual study.
(n.) Roman Catholic Church - A cleric title of major or minor orders in French-speaking areas.
(n.) 1. A deviation from what is typical or normal: an election that was an aberration from usual state politics.
2. A departure from what is considered natural or proper.
3. An abnormal, usually temporary alteration in one’s mental state.
4. A. A defect of focus, such as blurring in an image.
B. An imperfect image caused by a physical defect in an optical element, as in a lens.
5. The apparent displacement of the position of a celestial body in the direction of motion of an observer on Earth, caused by the motion of Earth and the finite velocity of light.
6. Genetics - A deviation in the normal structure
(n.) Absolving or the state of being absolved/The formal removal of sin from a priest; forgiveness, pardoning, exoneration.
(adj.) Unpleasantly sharp, pungent, or bitter to the taste or smell; bitter. Caustic in language or tone.
adipose tissue
(n.) A type of connective tissue that contains stored cellular fat.
(n.) An earnest, solemn appeal
(n. ) 1. A memorandum highlighting the major points in a discussion or agreement
2. A mnemonic device to aide memory.
(n. ) 1. A large web-footed bird from the Diomedeidae family having a hooked beak and long narrow wings found in the Southern Hemisphere
2. A source of worry or distress, a burden.
(adj. ) 1. Dependent on chance, luck, or an uncertain outcome, gambling
2. Music - Using or consisting of sounds to be chosen by the performer or left to chance; indeterminate
(n.) Fear of pain
(n.) A high plateau, as in the Andean regions of Bolivia, Peru, and Argentina.
(n.) Total loss of vision, especially when occurring without pathological changes to the eye.
Bell’s palsy
(n.) Paralysis of the facial nerve causing muscular weakness in one side of the face.
(tr. v.) 1. To take a loved one from (a person), especially by death
2. To take something valuable or necessary from (a person or thing)
(n.) The capital of Madhya Pradesh, India, in the west-central part of the state north-northwest of Nagpur. Founded in the early 18th century, it is an industrial and trade center. In 1984 a toxic gas leak at an insecticide plant killed more than 3,000 people.
(n. ) 1. An athletic competition that combines events in cross-country skiing and rifle shooting.
2. Any of various other athletic competitions combining two successive events, such as long-distance swimming and running.
(n.) The study of the effects of climatic conditions on living organisms.
(adj. ) 1. Of or relating to a leap year.
2. Of or relating to the extra day falling in a leap year. (n.) A leap year.
(n.) A border around a shield.