UH60 Flashcards
Wind speed rotor start/stop limit
45 knots, any direction
Maintenance test pilot autorotation %RPM R limit?
Normal autorotation %RPM R limits?
a. Max: 110%
b. Transient: 105 - 110%
c. Normal: 90 - 105%
Main rotor overspeed lights?
a. 1: 127%
b. 2: 137%
c. 3: 142%
Power on %RPM R?
a. Transient high: 101 – 107%
b. Continuous: 95 – 101%
c. Transient low: 91 – 95%
Engine torque limits (A,A+)?
a. Dual engine
i. Continuous: 0 – 100%
ii. 10 sec. transient: 100 – 125%
b. Single engine
i. Continuous: 0 – 110%
ii. 10 sec. transient: 110 – 135%
Engine torque limits (L)?
a. Dual engine
i. Continuous:
1. >80kts: 0 – 100%
2. ≤80kts: 0 – 120%
ii. 10 sec. transient
1. >80kts: 100 – 144%
2. ≤80kts: 120 – 144%
b. Single engine
i. Continuous: 0 – 135%
ii. 10 sec. transient: 135 – 144%
TGT limits?
a. 700 engine
i. 12 sec transient: 850 – 886*
ii. Start abort limit: 850*
iii. 30 min limit: 775 – 850*
iv. Normal: 0 – 775*
b. 701 engine
i. 12 sec transient: 903 - 949*
ii. 2.5 min transient: 878 – 903*
iii. Start abort limit: 851*
iv. 10 min limit: 851 – 878*
v. 30 min limit: 810 – 851*
vi. Normal: 0 – 810*
Engine Ng?
a. 12 sec transient: 102 – 105%
b. 30 min limit: 99 – 102%
c. Continuous: 0 – 99%
Engine %RPM 1-2?
a. 12 sec transient: 105 – 107%
b. Transient high: 101 – 105%
c. Continuous: 95 – 101%
d. Transient low: 91 – 95%
Engine %RPM avoidance range
a. 20 – 40%
b. 60 – 90%
Engine oil pressure (A)
a. 20 – 100 psi
b. Minimum 35 psi at 90% Ng
Engine oil pressure (A+,L)
a. 5 min limit: 100 – 120 psi
b. Normal ops: 26 – 100 psi
c. Idle: 22 – 26 psi
Engine oil temp
a. 30 min limit: 135 – 150*C
b. Continuous: -50 – 135*C
Main transmission oil pressure
a. Precautionary: 65 – 130 psi
b. Continuous: 30 – 65 psi
c. Idle/Transient: 20 – 30 psi
Main transmission oil temp. (A, A+)
a. Precautionary: 105 – 120*C
b. Continuous: -50 – 105*C
Main transmission oil temp. (L)
a. Precautionary: 105 – 140*C
b. Continuous: -50 – 105*C
Fuel Quantity
a. Normal: 200 – 1500 lbs
b. Precautionary: 0 – 200 lbs
Engine Starter limits
a. 60 sec delay between starts
b. ≤ 15C
i. 2 consecutive, 3 mins, 2 consecutive, 30 mins
c. >15 – 52C
i. 2 consecutive, 30 mins
Pneumatic source inlet limits
a. Min: 40 psi, 30 ppm @ 149*C
b. Max: 50 psi @ 249*C
Engine hot start caution
a. 700, ≥ 20,000 ft PA
b. 701, ≥ 18,000 ft PA
Engine cross bleed start limits
a. No ENG ANTI-ICE ON advisory
b. Operating engine
i. ≥ 90% Ng SPEED
ii. 100% RPM R
Single engine start ≥ 14,000 ft PA
Press start switch with ENG POWER CONT lever OFF, move to IDLE once 24% Ng
Airspeed limits
a. Vne: 193 kts
b. Vne, Gross > 22,000 and External load > 8,000: 120kts
c. Vne, 1 engine INOP/ autorotation @ gross > 16,825lbs: 130kts
d. Vne, autorotation @ gross < 16,825 lbs: 150kts
e. Side/rearward flight/wind not to exeed: 45kts
f. Vne, 1 SAS/hydraulic sys INOP: 170kts
g. Vne, 2 SAS/hydraulic sys INOP: 150kts
h. Vne, IMC, 2 SAS/hydraulic sys INOP: 140kts
i. Landing light
i. Vne prior to extension: 130kts
ii. Vne extended: 180kts
j. Search light
i. Vne prior to extension: 100kts
ii. Vne extended: 180kts
k. Vne, skies equipped: 155kts
Flight with cabin doors/windows open, limits
a. Doors open
i. Soundproofing installed: 100kts
ii. Soundproofing removed: 145kts
iii. Doors not to be intentionally moved during flight
b. Windows
i. Fully open: 170kts
ii. Do not intentionally move > 120kts
Stabilator automatic control failure
a. ≤ 40kts: full down
b. > 40kts: set to 0*
c. All autorotations Vne 120kts
UH60L external lift mission max gross
23,500 lbs
External lift missions above 22,000 pounds can only be flown with cargo hook loads above _______ lbs and up to _______ lbs
8,000, 9,000
Maximum weight is further limited by cargo floor maximum capacity of ______ lbs/ft2
Ground operations with 7-lug wheels are limited to gross weights less than ______ lbs. 14-lug wheels shall be utilized during ground operations when operating at or above gross weights of ______ lbs.
20,500, 20,500
Storage compartment max capacity
125 lbs
Cabin ceiling tiedown fittings max capacity
4,000 lbs
UH60A cargo hook max
8,000 lbs
UH60L cargo hook max
9,000 lbs
Prohibited maneuvers
a. Hovering turns >30/sec
b. +30 pitch
c. >60* roll
d. Both ENG POWER CONT to IDLE/OFF in-flight
e. Rearward ground taxi
Maneuvers entered from a low power setting may result in a transient droop of _______ %RPM R or greater.
Prolonged ______ flight and ________ ________ are to be avoided.
Rearward, downwind hovering
Above _____ avoid abrupt, full pedal inputs to prevent excess tail rotor system loading.
80 kts
Bank angles shall be limited to 30° when a ____ _____ _____ caution appears.
- Touchdown sink rate limits
a. ≤ 16,825 lbs Gross: 540 fpm level terrain, 360 fpm slope
b. > 16,825 lbs Gross: 300 fpm level terrain, 180 fpm slope
Max forward touchdown speed on level terrain
60 kts
Slope landing limitations
a. 15* nose-up, -2*/5 kts wind
b. 6* nose-down, prohibited with tail wind > 15kts
The main gearbox may be operated up to _______ minutes at a time with pressure fluctuations when the helicopter is known to be at a nose-up attitude (i.e., slope landings or hover with extreme aft CG).