UGIB Flashcards
What is Melena?
A dark tarry black stool that smells terrible, indicative of slow UPPER GIT bleeding
Clinical manifestations of UPPER GI bleeding
Melena, hematemesis
Where does UGIB bleeding usually arise from?
Esophageal varices
What is the Dieulafoy lesion?
A large caliber submocosal artery in the stomach that causes recurrent intermittent bleeding
What is the GBS score and what is it used for?
Glasgow-blatchford score, used to assess risk stratification pre endoscopy
What does a GBS score of <1 mean?
Least possible risk
Patients of acute UGIH taking aspirin for primary cardiac prophylaxis should…?
Stop aspirin
Patients of acute UGIH taking aspirin for secondary cardiac prophylaxis should…?
Not stop aspirin
Patients with acute UGIH, taking oral anticoagulants should…?
Generally what is the stance of anticoagulation regarding UGIH?
Stopped when bleeding
What drugs do we prescribe to fix UGIH?
PPI’s, high dose ppi for 72 hours following a loading dose
Admin of PPI via IV before endoscopy does what?
Reduces the ulcers that require endoscopic therapy
What does Somatostatin do, and who do we prescribe it to?
Variceal GI bleeding, reduces splanchnic blood flow.
When we do an endoscopy, we give prokinetics first, namely Erythrymocyin, why?
It induces gastric emptying, this allows good visualization of the gastric mucosa
Post endoscopy regimen for people of a high risk lesion is?
high dose PPI for 72 hours