ugc paper 1 Flashcards
Which of the following Indian universities were modelled on the lines of University of London?
Calcutta, Bombay, Madras
Which body in India is responsible for the accreditation of higher educational institutions?
NAAC, National Assessment and Accreditation Council
The term “Deemed University” is associated with which of the following?
An institution recognized by the Central Government on the advice of the UGC
Which is the apex body for regulating and maintaining the standards of technical education in India?
All India Council for Technical Education
Which of the following is the main function of the National Board of Accreditation (NBA)?
(A) Accreditation of academic programs in engineering and technology, management, pharmacy, architecture, applied arts, and related disciplines
(B) Accreditation of entire institutions
(C) Accreditation of school education
(D) Accreditation of distance learning program
Accreditation of academic programs in engineering and technology, management, pharmacy, architecture, applied arts, and related discipline
Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) is aimed at which of the following?
(A) Secondary Education
(B) Higher Education
(C) Elementary Education
(D) Vocational Education
Higher education
The main objective of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) is to:
(A) Develop the infrastructure of colleges and universities
(B) Assess and accredit institutions of higher education
(C) Provide scholarships to students
(D) Promote distance education
Assess and accredit institutions of higher education
The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) are administered by which body?
) MHRD (now Ministry of Education)
The function of the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) is to
Rank higher educational institutions in India
Which of the following is NOT a function of the University Grants Commission (UGC)?
Accrediting universities and colleges
Which of the following commissions was set up to review the education system in India post-independence?
Radhakrishnan Commission
Which of the following is not typically included in the results section of an academic paper?
A) Statistical analysis
B) Discussion of findings
C) Tables and figures
D) Description of research methodology
D) Description of research methodology
What is the term for the process of evaluating a scholarly article before publication?
Peer Review
Which of the following is an example of qualitative research?
A) Survey
B) Experiment
C) Case study
D) Meta-analysis
case study
What is the purpose of a literature review in academic writing?
A) To summarize the author’s own research findings
B) To provide an overview of existing research on a topic
C) To present statistical data
D) To discuss potential future research directions
To provide an overview of existing research on a topic
Which of the following is a primary source in academic research?
A) A textbook
B) A peer-reviewed journal article
C) An interview with an expert
D) An encyclopedia entry
An Interview with an expert
What is the purpose of an abstract in an academic paper?
A) To provide a summary of the main points
B) To present the author’s opinions
C) To list all the references used
D) To analyze the methodology
To provide a summary of the main points
What does the Latin term “et al.” mean when used in citations?
A) “As mentioned previously”
B) “And others”
C) “For example”
D) “In conclusion”
“And others”
Which of the following is not a commonly used citation style in academic writing?
D) Chicago
In academic writing, the abbreviation ‘ibid.’ is used to represent:
A) Ibidem
B) Ibidere
C) Ibidim
D) Ibideum
What is Proxy?
Something that is related to what we want to measure, but isn’t exactly what we want to measure
What is MDGs
Millenium Development goals
How many goals and how many un state members?
8 goals, 191 un memebers
Goals of MDGs
To combat enviromental degradation, poverty, hunger, disease, illetracy, discrimination against women, reduce child mortality, to ensure global partnership. tHE mdgS ARE INTERDEPENDENT
wHAt is SDGs
Sustainable Development goals
How many goals for SDGS
17 GLOBAL GOALS set by UN general assembly in 2015 for the year 2030
Where was Earth Summit conducted?
Rio de Janerio, Brazil, 1992
Millenium Summit was conducted in ?
UN Headqaurters , New York, 2000
Rio De Janerio, Brazil, 2012
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
Sendai, Japan,2015
The Addis Ababa Action Agenda
Paris agreement on climate change
paris , 2015
What are the SDGS PLAn to achience?
Earth Summit in Rio de janerio, Brazil, 1992
Millennium Declaration at the Millenium Summit , 200, at UN headquarters in New york
Johannesburg Declaration on SD and plan of implementation adopted at world summit , south africa,2002
Rio+20 , rio de janerio, brazil, 2012
Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction, 2015, sendai, Japan
Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development, Ethipoia, 2015
Paris Agreement on Climate change, Paris, 2015
Which platform serves as the central for the follow up and review of SDGS
Annual High-Level Political Forum
The Coastal Marine Enviroment provides?
Valuable Food and Energy resources , Carbon Burial aND nUTrient recylcing
What is Population Density
Relates to population to area
Crude Birth Rate
The number of births per 1000 people
Crude Death Rate
The number of deaths per 1000 people
Demographic transition
Describes what has happened to birth and death rates in today’s MEDCS
Ecology deals with?
Descriptive study of organisms , sub discipline of bilogy
What pollutes the Ozone layer?
Chlorine and Bromide found in Chloro Floro carbons (CFS)
What Causes Acid Rain /
Combustion of Fossil Fuels, Erupting volanoes, rotting vegetations causes to relase sulfur dioxide and Nitrogen oxide into the atmopshere
How is Noise level measured?
Decibels (db)
Whats the measure of Noise pollution
WHO has prescribed optimum noise level as 45dB by day and 35 dB by night , anything above 80 dB is hazardous
Whats the project intiated by Govermnemt of India to clean river Ganga
Namami Gange Project , to complete by the year 2020
What is PH VALUE ?
mEAUSRES THE CONCENTRATION OF hYRDOGEN IONS IN A soultion. 0 to 14. Any soulitions lies under 7 of ph is acidic
Ph value of water or pure water
Ph is neutral, 7
Ph value of Acid rain
ph is acid, 5 or less that 5
Hydochloroc acid ph value
0-1, ph value is acid
Lemon juice ph value
2, ph value is acid
tomato juice
4, ph value is acid
Ocean water
More than 7, ph value is bases
Rain water ph value
5-6, ph value is base
sopay water ph value
12, ph value is base
Bleach or soudium hypochlorite solution
12-13, ph value is base
Ammonia solution
11, ph value is base
What did the vedic system revolved around?
vedas, vedangas and Upanishads
What was the language for Vedic System?
What was the language for buddhist system
Educated women were divided into two classes in vedas
Sadyodwahas and Brahmavadinis - Sadyodwahas who pursued their education until they got married and Brahmavadinis those who never married and continued studying throughout theirs lives.
Upanishad women scholars
Apala, Indrani, Ghosha, Lopamudra, Gargi and Maitreyi
Taxila was from ?
Gandhar Kingdom?
Which was the first university?
Which universities did Hiuen Tsang mentioned
taxila, nalanda and vikramshila universities
Taxila is famous for?
medical students
famous students of taxila
Panini ( Grammarian), Kautilya ( Minister of Chandra gupta), Charaka (medical teacher)
Authour of Arthashasthra
Which university has been infleunced by Greek Culture
Nalanda university is located at?
Nalanda is a ?
Buddhist learning centre
Mithila university established during?
Upanishadic age
nAIDa university is located in ?
bengal, at the confluence of Ganga and Jalangi rivers
Jagaddala university
Pal ling, Raja ram pal of Bengak constructed a monastery and named it as Jagaddah. Centre for buddhist education. the books were translated into tibetan language. it was destoryed during invasion
Ujjian university
Famous for mathematics and astronomy
Valabhi university
Also mentioned by hieun tsnag. Religious studies bout as Arthasastra (economics), Niti Shastra (law) and Chikitsa Sastra (medicine). it was mainly centre for Hinayana form of Budhism
Tamil Nadu ancient universities
Ennayiram, Sringeri and Kanchi
ancient university in Karnataka
Which is the first state stytem of education in India
Charter Act brought by East Indian company
Who brought English as language and rejected native languages in India
Lord Macaulay
Charter of Education is also known as
Wood’s Dispatch of 1854, “Magna Carta Education” in India
Aim of Wood’s Dispatch
The aim of education was tated as diffuion of European Arts , Science, Philisophy and Literature through english. Promotion of Indian Languages was also to be encouraged “ Creation of class of public servants” was the important objective.
Under Wood’s dispatch first 3 universities?
Calcutta, Bombya and Madras in 1857
Hunter commision
1882, to diversify school curiculumn and introduce vocational education