Ufier's Terms (The Great Depression & New Deal) Flashcards
Dust Bowl
An economic condition created by a perfect storm of over-farming, depleting the soil of nutrients and a severe drought. The conditions created large migrations to other parts of the nation, particularly California, for promising work opportunities.
21st Amendment
This amendment repealed the Eighteenth Amendment and ended Prohibition.
Wagner Act
This act guaranteed workers the right to collective bargain with employers concerning unions, outlawed company unions, prohibited employers from firing workers after a strike, and established the National Labor Relations Board to enforce these provisions.
Social Security Act
Began in 1935 as a way for states to establish their own workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance, and aid for dependent families, as well as elderly pensions.
National Recovery Administration (NRA)
(NRA) A program developed businesses by regulating wages which would generate more purchasing power for individuals.
Eleanor Roosevelt
She modernized the role of the First Lady by serving as Roosevelt’s political representative for the New Deal as she met with hundreds of organizations.
Huey Long
A Louisiana senator who did not support the New Deal programs. His Share-the-Wealth program proposed to confiscate large amounts of money from the rich and redistribute them to the rest of the country. He gained a lot of support, but was assassinated in 1935.
Second New Deal
Started in 1935 as a response to demands for more dramatic action to be taken to resolve the Great Depression more quickly.
The New Deal
Roosevelt’s campaign platform that focused on the “three Rs:” Recovery of the economy, Relief for individuals and business affected by the depression, and Reform of the current financial situation to prevent future economic crises. Included the Hundred Days were dozens of relief programs began.
Alphabet Soup
The nickname for the many relief programs enacted to help relieve the Great Depression
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
(CCC) employed young men to build roads and trails in the national parks.
Public Works Administration (PWA)
(PWA) Created funding for highways, bridges, tunnels, flood control, and other national infrastructure.
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
A program designed to modernize the region through education, modernize farming techniques, and provide electricity
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
Helped raise commodity prices by paying farmers to cut agricultural production.
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
employed workers to for public works projects including building projects and arts.
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Created under the Hoover Administration, this organization provided emergency loans to banks, life-insurance companies, building and loan societies, farm mortgage associations, and railroads.
Bonus Expeditionary Force
A group of over 20,000WWI veterans who went to Washington D.C. in the spring of 1923 to quickly receive a cash bonus that congress had approved in 1924 to be payable in 1945. Early release of these funds were vetoed by congress.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
After earning his law degree, Roosevelt became a New York State Senator, then Secretary of the Navy under Woodrow Wilson’s two presidential terms. He ran for President and won in 1932. He is the only President to serve four terms.