UE orthotics Flashcards
resting hand splint position
wrist: ___
thumb: ____
MCPs, PIPs, DIPs in ____
wrist 30 extension
thumb: palmar abduction, opposition
MCPs, PIPs, DIPs in slight flexion
Resting Hand splint is used for patients with ____ and if ___ is not an issue
no hand function (prep for tenodesis)–> C6 or below!
*if tone is not an issue
Patients wear resting hand splint ___ hours a night
8-12 hours: usually 8 pm–> 8 am
pan splint position:
wrist: ___
wrist 10-20 extension (prioritize!)
fingers slight flexion
thumb: ABDUCTED and resting towards opposition due to INCREASED TONE/SPASTICITY
typical wear time for a pan splint
12 hours at night
*gradually increase wear time (try 1, then 2 hours, check skin breakdown)
focus rigidity casting can be cut and used right away: T or F
What is an elbow extensor splint used for?
C5: strong elbow flexors, no triceps
at night: used to prevent flexion contractures
in PT: used for WB through arms, shoulder isolation so arm doesn’t hit head during exercises
What is a short opponens splint for?
optimal positioning of thumb for tenodesis grasp (flexed, opposed, abducted) in C6 complete
When to use short opponens splint
during fine motor skill training, when working on tenodesis grasp for C6 complete
What mm group do you need in order to use the universal cuff?
C6 wrist extensors as stabilizers
*high level C6 can don/doff w/ mod-IND
wear time for universal cuff
during day or when needed for ADLs
*can insert utensils, stylus, make up brushes, etc.
Wrist driven orthotic indication:
custom fabricated orthotic driven by wrist extension (C6) –> thumb, index and mid finger in posture for tip to tip pinch with lever adjustment for pressure
*need prescription
*seldom used now
wear time for wrist driven orthotic
When do you use compression gloves?
donned in morning, off at night
*use with massage, elevation for edema control
*also used for dampening neuropathic pain in hands
For patients without good wrist extensors, what can you use in order to insert utensils, stylus, make up brush, etc.
wrist/hand orthotic with utensil insert
*metal wrist support with 2 velcro straps
*C5-weak C6 SCI
If patient has mild wrist extensor strength, not strong enough to fight gravity
good finger mobility/use
What can they wear?
Wrist cock up splint
*supports wrist during ADLs, or use as adjunct to neuro-re-ed
wear time for wrist cock-up splint
*when: functional activities
When do patients use the single digit extension splint?
-bowel program if they want to use their own finger
- computer typing
- utensil attached at end
- (index finger extended, thumb hole, palm support)
If patient does not have good supination/pronation, ability to grip utensil, or dynamic wrist movement….they can use
right angle with utensil insert (good for make up!)
it is angled down, so all you need is prox mvmt
When patients are in between life without their splints on, what can they wear to prevent wrist drop? (weak or no C6)
Wrist stabilization brace
*indicated: assists with nerve pain, minor joint pain, good positioning, stabilization
If patients have edema, what could happen with their splints?
they will slide and cause pressure injuries
If patient has IV/PICC placed, splint can be made ____
*also patients with burns