Udemy SC9 Questions Flashcards
It is built on the principle foundations: xManagement, xConnect and xDB.
- Sitecore XP
- XPerience
Sitecore XP
It is the Web Content Management (WCM) part of Sitecore. It allows you to create, manage, personalize and publish content to your Sitecore websites.
- xManagement
- xConnect
- xDB
It differentiates Sitecore from other WCM systems by adding integrated marketing and analytics capabilities to the system. It is the central data repository for the entire customer experience (including all your contact interaction data across channels) that can store vast amounts of data.
- xManagement
- xConnect
- xDB
Architecturally, it sits in between the xDB and whatever needs to communicate with the xDB, for example applications in Sitecore xManagement. It also provides services to collect and search for data stored in the xDB.
- xManagement
- xConnect
- xDB
- xConnect
Visual Studio and Sitecore Rocks are used to create this layer for the content. It can be built also using MVC or web wamps.
- Data definition
- Content
- Presentation
- Presentation
In Sitecore it is grouped in items and created from developer defined templates. This can include page content as well as media.
- Data definition
- Content
- Presentation
- Content
It refers to the data schema for website content. In Sitecore data schema is called a Template and can be created and managed in the template manager or Sitecore Rocks. The templates include fields, field types and field sections.
- Data definition
- Content
- Presentation
- Data definition
To access the login screen, simply add ______ to base URL of Sitecore.
- \sitecore
- /sitecore
- .sitecore
It is Sitecore’s main screen and gives you access to most of the Sitecore applications.
- Experience Editor
- Content Editor
- Launchpad
- Launchpad
It is an easy to use authoring tool designed for non-technical users. It offers editing, designing, and marketing functionality. It shows your content as it will be shown to visitors on the live site, and allows users to edit the page inline.
- Experience Editor
- Content Editor
- Launchpad
- Experience Editor
It is a more advanced authoring tool; provides more commands and more functionality but it displays the content in format closer to how it is actually stored in Sitecore.
- Experience Editor
- Content Editor
- Launchpad
- Content Editor
The database that contains every version of every item in every language including unpublished work in progress. Content authors edit content in this database.
- Core
- Master
- Web
- Master
The database that contains only the published versions of each item including the different language versions that have been published. This allows users to test different versions of the same item to ensure that a newer version does not have a negative overall impact on the site.
- Core
- Master
- Web
- Web
The database that contains the configuration information about the Sitecore user interfaces and the security tables (users and roles). All the user interface definitions of the client are stored in this database.
- Core
- Master
- Web
- Core
This server should only have access to Web and the Core databases.
- Content Management (CM)
- Content Delivery (CD)
- Content Index (CI)
- Content Delivery (CD)
This server has access to all three databases: Core, Master and Web.
- Content Management (CM)
- Content Delivery (CD)
- Content Index (CI)
- Content Management (CM)
It is a process that copies publishable content from the Master database to the Web database and removes deleted or unpublishable content from the Web database.
- Editying
- Copying
- Publishing
- Publishing
On this site, you can find details about known issues, problems, and common questions about Sitecore products along with guidance to find the right solution.
- Master Sitecore Youtube Channel
- Sitecore Knowledge Base
- Sitecore Developer Network
- Sitecore Knowledge Base
On this site, you can find all the relevant documentation for the Sitecore Experience Platform and its associated products and modules for 8.0 and beyond.
- Sitecore Developer Portal
- Sitecore Documentation
- Sitecore Knowledge Base
- Sitecore Documentation
In this place, you can connect with thousands of Sitecore professionals around the globe. Here, you can discuss tips, tricks, techniques, and solutions for everyday scenarios when you are working with the Sitecore Experience Platform.
- Sitecore Community
- Sitecore Marketplace
- Sitecore Community Docs
- Sitecore Community
It is a community-driven collection of developer resources including blogs, videos, references, and articles.
- Sitecore Community
- Sitecore Feeds
- Sitecore Community Docs
- Sitecore Community Docs
Every day the community is producing new blog posts. To make all this content available to you, it aggregates Sitecore related blog and indexes these posts to keep you informed.
- Sitecore Community
- Sitecore Feeds
- Sitecore Community Docs
- Sitecore Feeds
It is developed by Sitecore and describes the overall architecture of your Sitecore solution. It also communicates some guidelines and conventions that should be durable and flexible enough to be applied to any Sitecore project or business.
- Habitat
- Helix
- Publishing
- Helix
It is an example implementation of Helix. This example is not meant to dictate the specific methods or tools to use in your Sitecore project but should be an example of how the architectural design pattern, namely modular architecture, can be implemented including a methodology and a set of tools to support it.
- Habitat
- Helix
- Publishing
- Habitat
This service uses the web service that has been available since Sitecore CMS 5.0. It does not support advanced functionality and many parts of Sitecore Rocks will be unavailable.
- Good Old Web Service
- Good New Web Service
- Hard Rock Web Service
- Good Old Web Service
This service is built against the latest version of Sitecore CMS and include some compatibility measures to work with older versions.
- Good Old Web Service
- Good New Web Service
- Hard Rock Web Service
Hard Rock Web Service
Which of these tools is designed for non-technical content authors?
- Experience Editor
- Sitecore Rocks
- Content Editor
Experience Editor
What is the main purpose of a Web Content Management System?
- Offers a content storage system
- Allows non-technical users to administer the content of a website
- Provides log in functionality to a website
Allows non-technical users to administer the content of a website
Match the following statements to the documentation sources.
All products and modules for Sitecore Experience Platform 8.0 can be downloaded from?
- The sitecore developer network
- The Sitecore marketplace
- The Sitecore Developer Portal
- The Master Sitecore Youtube channel
The Sitecore Developer Portal
Match the following statements to the documentation sources.
Video tutorials are available from?
- The Sitecore Developer Network
- The Sitecore Developer Portal
- The Master Sitecore Youtube channel
- The Sitecore Marketplace
- The Master Sitecore Youtube channel
Match the following statements to the documentation sources.
You can contribute to the learning community by adding to the?
- The Sitecore Developer Network
- The Master Sitecore Youtube channel
- The Sitecore Developer Portal
- The Sitecore Marketplace
- The Sitecore Marketplace
Match the following statements to the documentation sources.
All product documentation prior to Sitecore Experience Platform 8.0 can be downloaded from?
- The Sitecore Marketplace
- The Master Sitecore Youtube channel
- The Sitecore Developer Portal
- The Sitecore Developer Network
- The Sitecore Developer Network
Why does Sitecore have both a Master and Web database?
- To allow editing content in a sandbox without affecting the content on the live site
- To be able to have multiple servers delivering your live site content
- To separate your own configuration from the standard one that comes with Sitecore
- To allow editing content in a sandbox without affecting the content on the live site
It defines the fields the item will have and which will be used to store data.
- Icon
- Inheritance
- Template
- Template
When you view a content tree with lots of items, it is useful to be able to spot at a glance which items are based on the same template. By default, items will show in the tree with the same icon defined in their template.
- Icon
- Inheritance
- Template
- Icon
It stores an HTML fragment and it provides an interface for editors to be able to enter HTML without having any technical know-how.
- Single-line of text
- Multi-line text
- Rich text
- Rich text
By default, all Sitecore templates inherit from one template named ________. It defines a collection of system fields that Sitecore uses internally and are usually hidden from view.
- Inheritance
- Content
- Standard Template
- Standard Template
Items are stored in a tree structure.
- ID Property
- Sitecore Content Tree
- Insert Options
- Sitecore Content Tree
All items are uniquely identified through their _________.
- ID Property
- Sitecore Content Tree
- Insert Options
- ID Property
A property of each item in the Content Tree, and they define the type of item users can create as a child of that item.
- ID Property
- Sitecore Content Tree
- Insert Options
- Insert Options