Udemy Itil 4. L1 Flashcards
A means of enabling value co-creation by facilitating outcomes that customers want to achieve, without the customer having to manage specific costs and risks.
A person who defines the requirements for a service and takes responsibility for the outcomes of service consumption
A person who uses services
Service management
A set of specialized organizational capabilities for enabling value for customers in the form of services.
A person
who authorizes budget
for service consumption.
Can also be used to
describe an organization or individual
that provides financial or other support for an initiative.
The amount of money
spent on a
specific activity or resource.
The perceived - benefits, - usefulness, - and importance of something
A person or a group of people
that has its own functions
with responsibilities, authorities, and relationships
to achieve its objectives
A result
for a stakeholder
enabled by one or more outputs.
A tangible or intangible deliverable
of an activity.
A possible event
that could cause harm or loss,
or make it more difficult to achieve objectives.
Can also be defined as uncertainty of outcome,
and can be used in the context
of measuring the probability of positive
outcomes as well as negative outcomes.
The functionality
offered by a product or service
to meet a particular need.
Utility can be summarized
as ‘what the service does’
and can be used to determine
whether a service is ‘fit for purpose’.
To have utility,
a service
must either support the performance of the consumer or remove constraints from the consumer.
Many services do both.
that a product or service
will meet agreed requirements.
Warranty can be summarized
as ‘how the service performs’
and can be used to determine
whether a service is ‘fit for use’.
Warranty often relates
to service levels
aligned with the needs of service consumers.
This may be based on a formal agreement,
or it may be a marketing message
or brand image.
Warranty typically addresses such areas
- as the availability of the service,
- its capacity,
- levels of security,
- and continuity.
A service may be said to provide acceptable assurance,
or ‘warranty’, if all defined and agreed conditions are met.
Service offering
A formal description
of one or more services,
designed to address the needs
of a target consumer group.
A service offering may include - goods, - access to resources, and - service actions.
Service relationship management
Joint activities performed by a service provider and a service consumer to ensure continual value co-creation based on agreed and available service offerings.
Service provision
performed by an organization
to provide services.
It includes - management of the provider’s resources, configured to deliver the service; - ensuring access to these resources for users; - fulfilment of the agreed service actions; - service level management; - and continual improvement.
It may also include the supply of goods
Service consumption
performed by an organization
to consume services.
It includes the management of the consumer’s resources needed to use the service, service actions performed by users, and the receiving (acquiring) of goods (if required).
A person or organization that has an interest or involvement in an - organization, - product, - service, - practice, or - other entity.
risk assessment
An activity to
- identify,
- analyse, and
- evaluate risks.
A combination of interacting elements
organized and maintained to
achieve one or more stated purposes.
systems thinking
A holistic approach to analysis that focuses on the way that a system’s constituent parts - work, - interrelate, and - interact over time, and within the context of other systems