UAS and Air Photo Collection Flashcards
UAS definition
Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Adopted by DoD and FAA in 2005
Posses a ground based control systems
sUAS definition and types
Small UAS
Less than 55 pounds
Multi-rotor or Fixed wing
Fixed wing pros and cons
Pros: battery efficient and larger coverage
Cons: hard to operate, need more space for take off and landing
MultiRotor pros and cons
Pros: easier to operate, can takeoff/land most places, more detailed coverage
Cons: shorter battery life
UAS regulation code
FAA 14CFR107
UAS Operating requirements
avoid manned aircraft
never operate in carless/reckless manner
keep UAS within (unaided) sight (3mile visibility)
1 UAS per pilot
Dont fly over anyone (unless participating)
Dont operate from moving vehicle
Fly during daylight from 30 min. before sunrise to 30 min. after sunset
Max altitude is 400ft
Max speed is 100mph
Remote ID, registration, and Pilot cert required
Best Practices for UAS data capture
Fly on clear, sunny, calm air days
Fly within 2 hours of solar noon
Ensure sidelap/frontlap overlap at 75%
Capture calibration panel images before and after
Check gimbal system
Estimate flight time and storage space