UA Flashcards
list four major parts of the urinary system
5 major functions of the kidney
remove waste products retention of nutrients maintain acid base balance maintain h20 and electrolyte balance hormone synthesis
renal fascio
outermost layer of fibrous connective tissue anchors organs to surrounding structures
renal capsule
inner most protective layer, keeps infections from surrounding from migrating to the kidney
adipose capsule
middle layer consisting of fat tissue that attaches the kidney to the posterior body was , holds kidney in normal position
outer urter wall
composed of connective tissue and adipose tissue
middle ureter wall
muscular vibes which contract to push urine to the bladder
inner wall
secretes mucus to prevent its cells from coming in contact with urine
transitional epi cells
line the ureter near the bladder
squamous epi cells
line the ureter near its external opening
what is the functional unit of the kidney
nephron unit
6 parts of the nephron
collecting ducts renal pelvis glomerulus Bowmans capsule descending loop of Henle ascending loop of Henle
3 major processes involved in urine formation
small molecules that are able to pass through the glomerular wall
water glucose creatinine urea
readsoprbtion is limited by
renal thresholds
chemical preservatives
formalin toulene phenol thymol preservative tablets boric acid sodium flouride
increased changes that occur in unpreserved urine
decresead changes that occur in unpreserved urine
glucose cells ketones bilirubin urobilinigen
best for routine screening
first morning
most concentrated specimen and is good for pregnancy testing