u9 gram 2 formal and negative informal commands Flashcards
how to conjugate singular formal and negative informal commands for -er + -ir verbs (ex: eat (formal) food/ dont eat (informal) food)
yo stem + -a
(ex: coma comida/ no coma comida)
how to conjugate plural formal and negative informal commands for -er + -ir verbs
(ex: do homework (formal)/ dont do homework (informal)
yo stem + -an
(hacan tarea/ no hacan tarea)
how to conjugate singular formal and negative informal commands for -ar verbs
(ex: talk to me (formal)/ dont talk to me (informal)
yo stem + -e
(ex: hable con yo/ no hable con yo)
how to conjugate plural formal and negative informal commands for -ar verbs
(ex: work with me (formal)/ dont work with me (informal))
yo stem + -en
(trabajen con yo/ no trabajen con yo)
talk to someone (singular formal)
hable con alguien
dont eat this! (plural informal)
no coman este!
you all have to work! (formal)
tengan trabajar!
you dont have to do this! (informal)
¡no tenga hacer esto!
talk to me (singular formal)
hable con yo
dont talk to me (plural informal)
no hablen con yo
tell me (singular formal)
dont go (plural informal)
no salgan
take out your (p.) pens (formal)
sacen ustedes bibliografías
dont start without me (plural informal)
no comenzen sin yo
start without me (singular plural)
comenze sin yo
go together (plural formal)
vayan juntos
do it together (formal plural)
hagan juntos
aliviate stress with yoga (formal singular)
alivie el estrés con yoga
dont eat that (informal sing.)
no come este
dont run (sing. informal)
no corra
remember (p. formal)