U4AOS2 - Ransom & The Queen Flashcards
But sometimes in situations like this one has to be flexible
The Queen - Charles
to breathe new life into old institutions
The Queen - Tony Blair
To be son to the great Achilles is a burden.
Ransom - Neoptolemus
her instinct is to do nothing, say nothing
The Queen - Tony Blair
And still it was not enough. Still his grief was not consumed.
Ransom - Achilles
I can see that the world has changed…and one must modernise
The Queen - Queen Elizabeth
And foolishly, I believed that was what the people wanted from…….
The Queen - Queen Elizabeth
It’s the road my other self went down.
Ransom - Priam’s past as Podarces
what I say to you as a queen and as a grandmother…
The Queen - Queen Elizabeth
The realm of the royal was representational, ideal.
Ransom - Priam
man to man, as a father, for the body of my son
Ransom - Priam
Uneasy is the head that wears a crown
The Queen - Opening Movie Quote
Why? What’s she done now?
The Queen - Prince Phillip
oh you know what she’s like…
The Queen - Queen Elizabeth
isn’t this precisely the kind of extravagance they criticise us for?
The Queen - Queen Elizabeth (Referring to Charles Flying To Paris)
I think I’ll write in my diary a bit longer..
The Queen - Queen Elizabeth
The children have to be looked after
The Queen - Queen Elizabeth
They screwed up her life. Let’s hope they don’t screw up her death.
The Queen - Tony Blair
Every strong woman in history has had to walk down a similar path…
The Queen - Queen Elizabeth’s Mother
But Tay Bridge is MY funeral
The Queen - Queen Elizabeth’s Mother
breath of fresh air
The Queen - Tony Blair Referred To As…
Prime Minister, I understand how difficult her behaviour must seem… … but try to see it from her perspective…
The Queen - Janvrin
there’s something ugly about the way everyones starting to bully her
The Queen - Tony Blair
Something’s happened…. A change
The Queen - Queen Elizabeth
And when people come to assess your legacy, no one will remember those few days.
The Queen - Tony Blair
his soulmate and companion since childhood
Ransom - About Patroclus
rough fellow
Ransom - Describes Somax
I appeal to you as a father
Ransom - Priam
warrior spirit
Ransom - About Achilles
he is obliged, in his role as king
Ransom - About Priam
guided by what is established and conventional
Ransom - Priam Guided By
just make sure you never let the boys hear you speak like that
The Queen - Queen Elizabeth
a stack of little griddlecakes
Ransom - Priam
The sea has many voices
Ransom - Achilles Listening For His Mother
No chariot, no horses.
Ransom - Priam
He repeats the cry and hacks and hacks
Ransom - Neoptolemus Kills Priam Getting Revenge For Achilles
Of anger and fury, that I am a woman and can do nothing
Ransom - Hecuba
He is dazzled by the cleanness
Ransom - Somax
I should go to Paris. I told my people to start organizing a jet.
The Queen - Prince Charles
She’s mother to your grandchildren!
The Queen - Prince Charles
she is more tied to convention than she believes
Ransom - Priam About Hecuba