u4. Application of Grants Flashcards
What are Personal Representatives 4 main duties?
Personal Representatives have 4 main duties:
1. Obtain a Grant of Representation 2. Collecting and managing the estate assets 3. Paying the debts and other liabilities of the estate 4. Distributing the assets of the estate to those entitled to them
What are the 3 grants of representation?
- A grant of probate (Valid Will and executor) - EXECUTOR
- A grant of Administration (No Valid Will) - ADMINISTRATOR
- A grant for letters of administration with will annexed (valid will but no executor) - ADMINISTRATOR
What is the effect of a Grant of Probate?
Although Executors are the legal owners of the estate under the will from the moment of death, they must get a grant of probate to be able to deal with the estate.
What 3 Steps must be completed to apply for a grant of Probate?
- Must file evidence that they have submitted an inheritance tax return to HMRC and paid any tax due.
- Must file a legal statement verified by a statement of truth with the probate registry confirming:
- The Desacsed has died, the date of the death, and the deseacsed domicle
- Whether the deceased died testae or intestate
- On which grounds the PR is entitled to the grant
- How much the estate Is worth (gross and net)
- The inheritance tax has been paid
- Will or Clearing off
-If a grant of probate, the executive must provide the whole will
-if a grant of administration, the administrator must provide evidence of clearing off - this is that the are the first in line, or if they are not the first, why the persons in from of them are unable or unwilling to take on the administration
What is clearing off?
Clearing off is where the list of appointing an administrator is followed.
Evidence of clearing off would be showing you are the first possible person, or if you are not, why the persons in front are unable or unwilling to take on the administration.
What can someone do to prevent somone applying for a grant in probate?
If someone has suspisions about the will, they can enter a caveat. The caveat prohibits the probate registry from issuing a grant of probate until the caveat is either removed or expires (6 months unless renewed)
What can an executor do if someone has entered a caveat?
They will respond with a warning giving the caveator 8 days to do 1 of 2 things:
- Enter an Apperance - Apply to the court to hear their objections if they have a contrary interest, such as believing they are the one who should make the application. (NCPR 44(1)
- Summons for Direction - If they do not have a contrary interest, they can request the court considers if the named executor is the appropriate person to act.
If the caveator does not take one of these steps within the 8 days, the caveat will be removed and the probate process will go forward.
What are the 3 situations in which a limited grant can be granted?
- Where there are difficulties with the PR, and no other PR is available and so someone else must be appointed (Grant De Bonis Non Adminstratis)
- Where the estate is going to waste or being lost and some immediate steps need to be taken (Grant Ad Coligenda Bona)
- Where some parties of the will are fighting about it in court (The Grant Pendente Lite)
What are the 3 situations a limited grant can be applied for?
- De Bonis Non Adminstratis - NO PR
Where the appointed PR has died or dissaperared, the administration cannot be left and so grant de bonis allows another person to be appointed as an administrator or executive and apply for the grant.
- Ad Colligenda Bona - WASTE OR LOSS
When the PR is not et empowered to deal with the estate as the application of grant has not yet been granted, but there is a specific asset that needs to be dealt with in the meantime as otherwise there will be a waste or loss. a Grant ad colligenda can allow for powers to deal with that specific asset until the full grant.
- Pendente Lite - LITIGATION
What is Grant Ad Colligenda Bona and give a practical example.
Example - Anwen is the PR of the estate, but has not yet been granted the full grant of administration. On the estate there is a strawberry crop that will perish if not farmed and sold within the next 2 weeks.
Effect - A Grant Ad Colligenda Bona can allow Anwen to manage the estate to the extent of the stawbery crop until the full grant.
What is Grant De Bonis Non Adminstratis and give a practical example
The appointed PR has dissaperared, and no one has heard from him. There is no other PR, and so the estate is not being adminstrated.
Effect - A Grant De Bonis Non Adminstratis can allow for another person to be appointed as either executor or administrator and so apply for a grant and adminstrate the estate.
What is Grant Pendente Lite and give a practical example
Where there is ongoing litigation, such as a caveat freezing all administrative dealings, a Grant Pendente Lite can be applied for.
Effect - This will allow for matters to be dealt with in the meantime by another administrator. The person who should be appointed would be the person next appointed following NCPR Rule 22.
Summarise the 3 documents that must be filed to apply for the grant?
- Inheritence Tax Return
- Statement of Truth
- Authority to apply for grant (either the will, of evidence of clearing off)
Who can apply for a grant of probate or administration?
- The Person entitled to the grant.
- A probate practitioner
How long must you wait after a death before applying for a grant of probate, a grant of administration with the will annexed, or a grant of administration?
A grant of probate, or an adminstration with the will annexed = atleast 7 days after death.
A grant of administration = atleast14 days after death