U3aos2 Flashcards
Material living standards
refer to the level of economic wellbeing of individuals and their access to goods and services.
Non-material living standards
refer to quality aspects of a person’s daily existence.
Factors affecting living stndards
-Access to goods and services
-Environmental quality
-Physical and mental health
-Crime rate
-Literacy rates
Gross Domestic Product
the final market value of all goods and services produced in the Australian economy over a given period of time.
The Chain Volume Measure of GDP (real GDP)
uses prices from previous period and applying them to current period volumes.
C + I + G + (X – M)
Gross National Expenditure: (GNE)
total expenditure by Australians on goods and services produced anywhere.
GNE = C + I + G
Aggregate demand
the sum or total value of all expenditure on final (finished) goods and services demanded by a nation and measured over a period of time.
C = private consumption expenditure
total value of all expenditure on individual and collective goods incurred by resident households and non-profit institutions serving households.
-Spending on durables (e.g. white goods, cars etc.)
-Consumer semi-durables (e.g. clothing)
-Non-durables (e.g. food)
-Services (e.g. dry cleaning)
60% of AD
I = private investment expenditure
Expenditure with the purpose of expanding the productive capacity and productivity of firms and the economy:
-Purchase of new equipment
-Buildings (includes the construction of new homes)
-Addition to inventories (includes a farmer buyer more cattle)
15 – 20% of aggregate demand & most volatile
G = government spending
Includes expenditure by all levels of government (federal, state and local).
20% of Aggregate demand
(Current expenditure)
on goods or services not capital in nature, therefore no on-going benefit created
-Health, education, defence, office stationery, government employees salaries
-Relatively stable component of AD
(Capital expenditure)
Investment expenditure on goods of a capital nature, therefore an on-going benefit is created.
Physical hospitals and schools (e.g., the buildings), roads, rail and ports (infrastructure)
Balance of Trade
Net Exports (X – M)
X – Exports
spending on exports by foreign households, businesses, governments or other institutions. Very volatile
M - Imports
spending on imports by Australian households, businesses, governments or other institutions. (60% of imports are used in the production process)
Very Volatile
five-sector model
The Business sector
The Household sector
The Financial sector
The Government sector
The External sector
Flows of five-sector model
Flow 4- production (flow of final goods and services supplied (GDP))
Flow 2- income (total incomes or the demand for resources)
Flow 1- available supply of resources)
Flow 3-consumed (total expenditure of aggregate demand (AD))
Factors influencing AD (Disposable income)
What? Gross income – personal income tax
↑ disp. Y ↑ purchasing power ↑ C upward pres. AD
↓ disp. Y ↓ purchasing power ↓ C downward pres. AD
Factors influencing AD (consumer confidence)
What? General optimism or pessimism about the future state of the economy and job security – from a consumer’s perspective
↑ c’er confid = ↑ optimism & employment ↑ spending e.g. ↑ C upward pres. AD
↓ c’er confid = ↑ pessimism & employment ↓ spending e.g. ↓ C downward pres. AD
Factors influencing AD (Business confidence)
What? bus. level of optimism and pessimism in the future state of the economy and their profit-making potential
P’ers pessimistic↓spending ↓ spending ↓ I & AD
P’ers optimistic ↑ spending ↑ I ↑ AD
Factors influencing AD (Interest Rates)
Represent the cost of borrowing and incentive to save
IR↑ cost of borrowing↑ spending↓ C&I↓AD↓
Factors influencing AD (Exchange rates)
The value of one nations currency relative to another
AUD apprec. ↓International competitiveness↓X ↑ M ↓AD
Factors influencing AD (Global economic growth)
Levels of economic activity in the economies of major trading partners
Global Growth ↑ X↑ M↓ AD↑
Aggregate Supply
represents the total volume of goods and services that all suppliers have produced and supplied over a period of time.
Is influenced by the willingness and ability of producers to produce.
the process of converting resources and input into goods and services or the total volume (or value) of goods and services produced over a given time period.