U302 SAC Notes Flashcards
What is BFS?
A traversal algorithm that visits all neighbours of the current node at the same time (LEVEL BY LEVEL APPROACH)
How does BFS work?
1) It starts from a starting vertex, enqueues it into a queue, and marks it as visited.
2) Then, it dequeues a vertex from the queue, visits it, and enqueues all its unvisited neighbors into the queue.
3) This process continues until the queue is empty.
Advantages/Applications of BFS
- shortest path
- Maze
- easy to implement
- level by level approach is more efficient
- guarantee that every node in the graph is visited, so sol is def found
What is DFS and what ADT does it use?
Depth first search is a traversal algorithm that fully explores a single pathway, going all the way down, then backtracking to the other pathways until the entire graph has been traversed
What is Prim’s algorithm used for?
Prim’s algorithm is a greedy algorithm that finds a minimum spanning tree for a WEIGHTED, UNDIRECTED, graph.
What ADT does prims use?
Min priority queue, to determine which edge should be connected next (greedy approach- lowest cost edge)
What is Dijikstra’s Algorithm
Algorithm that uses a greedy approach to find the shortest paths between one node andALL THE OTHER NODES in a WEIGHTED, DIRECTED graph that are NON-NEGATIVE.
Why doesn’t Dijikstra’s work on negative weights?
Since Dijkstra follows a Greedy Approach, once a node is marked as visited it cannot be reconsidered even if there is another path with less cost or distance. This issue arises only if there exists a negative weight or edge in the graph.
What is the concept of relaxation?
Updating the path distance values
What is Bellman-Ford’s used for?
Single source shortest path problem for weighted, directed graphs, and can work with negative weights.
What does WARSHALL’S algorithm find?
Warshall’s Algorithm finds the transitive closure of a graph (whether a path exists between two nodes.)
What is Floyd-Warshall’s algorithm used for?
Finds the shortest path for all pairs of nodes in the graph.
The algorithm checks if a path through an intermediate vertex offers a shorter distance between two nodes.
What is dynamic programming?
The algorithm is first broken down into sub-problems and then the sub-problems are optimised to find the overall solution
What is backtracking
generating possible solutions to a problem and then going back and regenerating a part of the solution when it reaches a dead end
What is a greedy algorithm?
One that picks the best/most optimal option or solution at each step/iteration