u3 Flashcards
What does it mean to not have a leg to stand on?
To be in a situation where you cannot prove or legally support what you say
Example: If you didn’t sign a contract, you won’t have a leg to stand on.
Define ‘drop out’.
To no longer do an activity or belong to a group
Example: The group gets smaller as members move away or drop out.
What is the meaning of ‘hostile’?
Angry and deliberately unfriendly towards someone, and ready to argue with them
Example: Southampton fans gave their former coach a hostile reception.
What does ‘cram’ mean in an educational context?
To prepare yourself for an examination by learning a lot of information quickly
Example: Zara crammed for six hours the night before the exam, but still couldn’t remember anything.
Explain the phrase ‘figure out’.
To think about a problem or situation until you find the answer or understand what has happened
Example: I can’t figure out how to use this app – can you help me?
What does ‘desperate’ mean?
Willing to do anything to change a very bad situation, and not caring about danger
Example: I had no money left and was desperate.
What does it mean to ‘turn someone round’?
If a person turns around, he/she changes and starts to develop in a positive way
Example: The love of his new adoptive parents really turned his life around.
Define ‘expel’.
To officially force someone to leave a school or organization
Example: Two girls were expelled from school for taking drugs.
What does ‘mutual’ refer to?
Feelings such as respect, trust, or hatred that two or more people have for each other
Example: Mutual respect is necessary for any partnership to work.
What does ‘nurture’ mean?
To help a plan, idea, feeling etc to develop
Example: European union is an ideal that has been nurtured since the post-war years.
What does it mean to ‘pull yourself together’?
To force yourself to stop behaving in a nervous, frightened, or uncontrolled way
Example: With an effort Mary pulled herself together.
Define ‘shame’.
The feeling you have when you feel guilty and embarrassed because you, or someone close to you, have done something wrong
Example: When Toby made fun of my new haircut I went red with shame.
What is ‘rage’?
A strong feeling of uncontrollable anger
Example: When I told him I had crashed his car, he flew into a rage.
What does ‘rough and ready’ imply?
Not perfect, but good enough for a particular purpose
Example: The tests are only a rough and ready guide to a pupil’s future development.
Define ‘scheme’.
An official plan that is intended to help people in some way, for example by providing education or training
Example: The money will be used for teacher training schemes.
What does it mean to ‘shift’?
To move from one place or position to another, or make something do this
Example: Joe listened, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to another.
What does ‘skive off’ mean?
To avoid work or school by staying away or leaving without permission
Example: Rachel got a detention for skiving off maths.
Define ‘substantial’.
Large in amount or number
Example: We have the support of a substantial number of parents.
What does ‘trigger’ mean?
To make something happen very quickly, especially a series of events
Example: The assassination triggered off a wave of rioting.
What does ‘instinctive’ mean?
Based on instinct and not involving thought
Example: Her musical skill is completely instinctive.
Define ‘aggressive’.
Behaving in an angry threatening way, as if you want to fight or attack someone
Example: Jim’s voice became aggressive.
What does ‘scornful’ mean?
Feeling or showing scorn
Example: Patrick was scornful of his younger brother’s attempts to ride a bike.
What does ‘distressed’ refer to?
Very upset
Example: Hannah was deeply distressed by the news.
Define ‘indifferent’.
Not at all interested in someone or something
Example: Sarah was absolutely indifferent to him, and it hurt.
What does ‘disaffected’ mean?
Not satisfied with your government, leader etc, and therefore no longer loyal to them
Example: With huge student loans to pay and few jobs, many young people feel disaffected.
What does ‘resistant’ mean?
Not damaged or affected by something
Example: An infection that’s resistant to antibiotics.
What does ‘see eye to eye’ mean?
If two people see eye to eye, they agree with each other
Example: We didn’t exactly see eye to eye.
What does it mean to ‘do as you are told’?
Behave in the way someone has asked you to
Example: Why can’t you children just do as you are told?
What does ‘get your own way’ mean?
Achieve the result you want
Example: Bella is dad’s favourite and he always lets her get her own way.
Define ‘keep yourself to yourself’.
To live a very quiet private life and not do many things that involve other people
Example: I don’t like to get involved in office politics; I prefer to keep myself to myself.
What does ‘rub people up the wrong way’ mean?
To annoy someone by the things you say or do, usually without intending to
Example: Robbie always rubs people up the wrong way – it’s no wonder he has so few friends.
What does ‘on a whim’ mean?
A sudden feeling that you would like to do or have something, especially when there is no important or good reason
Example: I bought these shoes on a whim, and now I’ve decided I don’t like them.
What does ‘look up to’ mean?
Admire and respect
Example: I’ve always looked up to my cousin because she’s so cool and funny.
What does ‘become close to someone’ imply?
Develop a strong relationship with someone
Example: I became very close to my aunt after my uncle died.
What does ‘come across as’ mean?
Appear to have a particular quality, when this may or may not be true
Example: Mr Potts can come across as rude, but really he’s a very kind man.
What does ‘good fun’ mean?
Enjoyable to be with because they are happy and amusing
Example: Leah is funny and popular – she’s really good fun.
Define ‘dry sense of humour’.
Someone who says funny and clever things while seeming to be serious
Example: You’ve got such a dry sense of humour; sometimes I can’t tell if you’re joking.
What does ‘take after someone’ mean?
To look or behave like an older relative
Example: I take after my mum – we both worry a lot.
What does ‘have your heart set on’ mean?
To want very much to have or achieve something, or to be determined to do something
Example: I’ve got my heart set on getting a new car once I get a job.